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allows air lo ciculata around tha cond6nssr, ldeally, this should consist of louvr€d openings 6t iloor änd worktop
lsvel ot squal dimsnsions. Adsquate venlilation r€sults in maximum cooling 6lficiency ard minimum electric cuFont
O Deftoeiing
Du€ to th€ humidity of th6 air within ttl€ cäbin€i storage spac6, lro6l will form on the surfaco of th€ svaporrtor
whon this häs b6en working for som6 time. A layer of lro6t in e,cess of 6bout 6mm (+in), has an advorse €ff6cl
upon cooling elfciency, therefore the evaporator must be defrosred at regular intervals, For this purpos€, set the
thsrm6tst control knob to "O" {OFF). Aftsl defrosring the cabinat interior must b€ cl6an6d and ddsd b€fore th6
rsfrigsrator is switched on again.
O Cleaning.
from the cabinst all water resutting from defrGting, because ihis will otherwise
b€come the cause of unpleas:rnt ord€r änd tainting atfecting the retrige€tor conlonts, wip€ the cabinet irnerior clean
with a damp cloth rvrung oln in w6m watar containing a mild, non-abrasive household
deGrgont. Dry thoroughly wrh
6 3oft, dry cloth. Nevef us€ brush€s, scrap€rs, soap powd6.s, petlol, b€nzane or thinn€rs, which will damsge rh€
caun€t lining. Door or ljd linings must not be allowed to b6come too wet, or w6t€r m6v be aßod6d by th6 insulatron
mat€dä|, and insulding
offici6ncy will b€ adretsely affsct€d until
the insulant has
dd6d our- Wash all romovable
sh€lv€s and fittings
in w6rm so€puds, then rins€ and dry with a soft clean cloth.
O taying-up.
Wh8n th€ refrigeralor is to te left unusod for any apprsciable period of ime, rhe plug musi be removed from the
supply sock€t. lt is advisabl€ that the calinet should b€ clsan€d and the lid or door left open {or a tew hours to
prevent odour fomation,
O T€chnicsl Advic€ to? DC Operaiion.
sockets 6tc, betw€eh th€ bett€ry ard the rofrig€rotor, as th€s€ will contibutg to voltags drop at th€ input tsminals
and momontarY p€ek vohäg6s cawed by oth6r ol€ctfical equitment the ssme circuit can damag€ the r€frig€rator
inv6n€r. Alweys conn€ct th€ reftigoraror direcdy to the bättsry. (S€e Fig.2)
7.2. The €lectdc curBnt supply to rhe r6trig6rabr must b6 protscted by a line fuse ins€ned in the pGitive tead,
as clo6€ to the batt6ry as oossibl€.
24V DC lus€ nring 104.
r2V DC fü.€ 6ting 15A.
7.3. DC cur€rt supply
cauo musl h6v€ cro6s s€crional
srea of at l6ast 2.5mmrto pr€v€m
volt g€ drop. Cable
should b€ as short and direcr as pGsible,for ths ssme r€ason. lR6t€r lo 1 .21
7.4. Engel r€lfig€r.tol8 ar€ protsct€d sg€inst r6dio intertursnc€ to the roquir€mehrs oI EN 5OO81-1. In order to avoid radio
imorf€rsnc€ on tho DC aupptylins, dea36 uB€ sspärat€ positivo and n€gative c€bl€6, whicb a€ rwist€d together
in a spiral tom. (S€€
7.5. Eattorv Maimamnce b M6t lmDortant.
Should the voltago 3t the reftigerator input t€minals fall b€low the rar€d requiromont, rhe cooling effciencv will
imm€diatsly b€ r€duc€d. Pl€as6 p€y due att€mion to tho maimenancs of your battery in a good state of chargs.
7.8. Auick chargeß eupply the bttery vith excess wltege in Föofining ahdir
intended function. Should tha ßf.igaato.
.smain switched-on whilst a quick chrrger is conn6d6d to the battery, the invsn€r can suffd clamag6.
7.7. Never uso a batt€ry charger, transform6./r6cüfier. bttory oliminator or ACIDC conven6r to supply your Engel refri-
geßtor. Süch €quipm€nt cad, undsr csrtain
circumstsnc€s, d6liv€r cun€nt st € voltsgp which msy damsge
th6 in-
v€rtsr, lt is in ord€. to u36 th€s€ itoms alwayE providsd thät th6 battory b coon€ctod in psrall€l b€two€n ths charg-
ing €quiFmem and th€ refrig€r.tor.
To us6 an €niin€ gEnolator as pow€r sourca for ENGEL refrigorator, users ar6 advisod to contacr fi6ir ENGEL
lor its application m€thod in order
ro protsct
the r€frjgsrator flom damags caus€d by high volt6ge.

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