Digital Rights Management
Some electronic books are controlled by digital rights management (DRM). E-books you buy on our online store include
DRM. There are some restrictions on e-books with DRM.
These are the DRM controls for different functions:
• Reading - you are allowed to load and read most e-books you have purchased on a maximum of 6 devices. The devices must
be registered in the same user name. The registration used on the enTourage eDGe is controlled through the Adobe Content Server.
Some e-books have more restricted digital rights. See the book descriptions for limitations. These can include a limit of reading on
two devices, restrictions on printing, and an expiration date.
• Copying - you can copy text from most e-books. This is limited to a page at a time, and some books have a limit on the copying
• ExportPDFs-youmaynotbeabletoexportPDFlesfromallofyoure-books.IfyouattempttoexportaPDFfromabookthat
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