The following is an explanation of some of the terms used in this guide which may be unfamiliar or which are not explained in the text of this guide itself. Further
information can be obtained by referring to other commercially-available publications.
5BNCA port used to input analogue video signals.
Abs. Color Temp.The temperature of an object which is emitting light. If the absolute colour temperature is high, the colours tend to take on a
bluish tinge. If the absolute colour temperature is lower, the colours tend to take on a reddish tinge.
Ad hoc modeA method of wireless LAN connection that communicates with wireless LAN clients without using an access point.
Aspect ratioThe ratio between an image's length and its height. HDTV images have an aspect ratio of 16:9 and appear elongated. The
aspect ratio for standard images is 4:3.
Authentication serverThis is a server that centrally manages user authentication. By using an authentication server, management of user information
and user authentication tasks can be centralised. In addition, many authentication servers use high-level authentication
methods and so they also tend to be highly secure.
CCXAbbreviation for Cisco Compatible Extensions. This is a security technology for wireless LANs developed by Cisco Systems,
Inc. It uses RADIUS serverg for authentication. Several authentication methods are available for CCX, and this projector uses
LEAPg authentication.
Component videoVideo signals which have the video brightness signals and colour signals separated, in order to provide better image quality.
In high-definition TV (HDTV), it refers to images which consist of three independent signals: Y (luminance signal), and Pb
and Pr (colour difference signals).
Composite videoVideo signals which have the video brightness signals and colour signals mixed together. The type of signals commonly used
by household video equipment (NTSC, PAL and SECAM formats).
The carrier signal Y (luminance signal) and chroma (colour) signal which are contained in the colour bar are overlapped to
form a single signal.
ContrastThe relative brightness of the light and dark areas of an image can be increased or decreased in order to make text and
graphics stand out more clearly, or to make them appear softer. Adjusting this particular property of an image is called
"contrast adjustment".
Cool-downThis is the process by which the projector's lamp is cooled down after it has become hot through use. Cool-down is carried out
automatically when the [Power] button is pressed to turn off the power. Do not disconnect the power cable while cool-down is
in progress, otherwise the cool-down process will not work properly. If the cool-down period is not allowed to finish normally,
the projector's lamp and internal components will remain at high temperatures, and this may shorten the operating life of the
lamp or cause problems with the operation of the projector.
DHCPAbbreviation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This protocol automatically assigns an IP address to a computer
connected to a network.
Dolby DigitalA sound format developed by Dolby Laboratories. Normal stereo is a 2-channel format which uses two speakers. Dolby
Digital is a 6-channel (5.1-channel) system which adds to this a centre speaker two rear speakers and a sub-woofer.
DPOFAbbreviation of Digital Print Order Format, which is a format used to record infomation concerning the printing of
photographs taken with a digital camera (which images to print, how many copies, etc.) to recordable media, such as a
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