So that you can use the projector safely and correctly, symbols are applied in the documentation and on the projector to indicate possible harm to the user or
to others and the risk of damage to property.
The indications and their meaning are as follows. Make sure you understand them properly before reading the guide.
fGeneral Information Indications
Indicates the possibility of death or serious injury if this symbol is ignored or if sufficient care is not taken.
Indicates the possibility of injury or damage to property if this symbol is ignored or if sufficient care is not taken.
Indicates procedures which may result in damage or injury if sufficient care is not taken.
Indicates additional information and points which may be useful to know regarding a topic.
Indicates a page where detailed information regarding a topic can be found.
Indicates that an explanation of the underlined word or words in front of this symbol appears in the glossary of terms. See
the "Glossary" section of the "Appendices". sp.65
Indicates operating methods and the order of operations.
The procedure indicated should be carried out in the order of the numbered steps.
[ (Name) ]
Indicates the name of the buttons on the remote control or the control panel.
Example: [Esc] button
"(Menu Name)"
Indicates configuration menu items.
Example: "Image" - "Brightness"
Indicates that the explanation continues on the following page. Clicking this symbol will display the following page.
Indicates that the explanation is continued from the previous page. Clicking this symbol will display the previous page.
Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.
Art des Missbrauchs:
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