Check the numbers and then apply the following countermeasures. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your network administrator, or contact your local
dealer or the nearest address provided in the Epson Projector Contact List.
sEpson Projector Contact List
Event IDCauseRemedy
Failed to startup EasyMP Network Projection.Restart the projector.
Network communication is unstable.Check the network communication status, and reconnect after waiting for a
0433Cannot play transferred images.Restart EasyMP Network Projection.
0484Communication was disconnected from the computer.
04FEEasyMP Network Projection ended unexpectedly.Check the status of network communications. Restart the projector.
04FFA system error occurred in the projector.Restart the projector.
0891Cannot find an access point with the same SSID.Set the computer, the access point, and the projector to the same SSID.
0892The WPA/WPA2 authentication type does not match.Check that the wireless LAN security settings are correct.
s "Security menu " p.85
0893The WEP/TKIP/AES encryption type does not match.
0894Communication was disconnected because the projector connected to an
unauthorized access point.
Contact your network administrator for more information.
0898Failed to acquire DHCP.Check the DHCP server to see if it is operating correctly and check the LAN
cable to see if it is connected correctly. If you are not using DHCP, turn off the
DHCP setting.
s"Network Menu" p.81
0899Other communication errorsIf restarting the projector or EasyMP Network Projection does not solve the
problem, contact your local dealer or the nearest address provided in the Epson
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