61Dialog 3210, 3211 and 3212
Paging (optional)
Paging (optional)
Persons equipped with a wireless paging receiver or assigned to a
lamp signal, can be paged from a telephone set. Depending on the
type of paging system it is possible to send digit messages or voice
messages to the paged person.
Paging can also be initiated and answered during an ongoing call.
Make an Inquiry call and proceed according to the appropriate
procedure for the type of connected paging system. You can then
either return to the ongoing call or transfer the paging call to the
person that was put on hold. If this person is an external
subscriber, your exchange must be programmed for this function.
If you receive a congestion tone when paging, this indicates that
the paged person has his paging receiver in the charging rack and
is probably out of the office.