Only heat-resistant cooking utensils able to withstand a temperature of at least 300°C may be used in the oven: metal baking tins, aluminium foil, ovenproof
glass, ceramic, glass ceramic and ovenproof earthenware.
The type of utensil used can have an effect on the end result; for instance, cakes and pastries brown better and more quickly in dark-coloured baking
tins than in light-coloured tins.
Shelf heights
The various shelf heights are shown in Figure A. The first slot is the lowest shelf height and the fifth slot the highest.
Oven accessories
Depending on the model, your oven can be supplied with the following accessories:
Shelf (fig. B)
Cakes and dishes coked in a baking tin or casserole are placed on this shelf for cooking. Food such as meat for grilling can also be laid directly on this
Baking tray (fig. C)
This is used for baking biscuits, profiteroles, pizzas and all oher sorts of food wich are not placed in a baking tin for cooking. To ensure good heat distribution
the baking tray must be placed in the oven with the long side toward the back.
Wait until the appliance has cooled down before attempting to clean it.
Disconnect it from the power supply, either by pulling the plug out or switching off the power supply at the mains. Clean enamelled, chromed or painted
parts with warm water and soap, or non-corrosive liquid detergent.
Clean stainless steel parts using methylated spirit of a suitable commercially produced solution.
Clean aluminium panels or edges with cotton wool or with a cloth soaked in vaseline or a seed-based oil. Clean and then go over it with methylated spirit.
Never use abrasives, corrosive detergents, bleaches or acids for cleaning the oven.
Do not leave corrosive or acidic substances (lemon juice, vinegar, etc.) on enamelled, painted or stainless steel parts.
Oven light (fig.22)
The oven bulb is a special kind which is resistant to high temperatures. Replace
it in the following way: disconnect the oven from the power supply, either by
pulling the plug out or by switching off the power supply at the mains; remove
the protective glass (A) and replace the burnt out bulb with one of the same
type. Replace the protective glass.
Important: if you decide not to use the oven any more, it should be made
inoperable by cutting the power supply cable, after unplugging it from the
power supply. Disused appliances can be a safety risk as children often
play with them. For this reason it is advisable to make the oven safe.
Removal of oven door ( fixed fulcrum Fig. 21A/B/C/D )
Fig. 22
1 open the oven door completely.2flip the hinge hooks "A" outwards (see
fig. 21A).
3 shut the oven door slowly until it reaches hooks "A", making sure these
are locked into slots "B" of the oven door, as shown in fig 21B.
4 Using both hands, push the oven door lightly inwards, toenable the door
hinges "C" to come away from the slots "D" (see fig. 21C) and pull the door
towards you until it is released from the oven.
After cleaning it, reposition it correctly following the abovesteps in the reverse
order and flipping hooks "A" inwardsbefore you shut the oven door (fig. 21D).
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