Is it possible to have an electric heater in the bathroom?
Yes, it is safe if you adhere to the following 3 rules when installing the Eurom
bathroom heater.
Rule 1
The Eurom bathroom heater must be securely mounted in a fixed position. A
movable heater may never be used in the bathroom. No matter what classification
or IP value a movable heater has: a movable stove never suitable for the
Rule 2
When choosing a permanent location for the Eurom bathroom heater, you should
keep in mind that the controls of the bathroom heater may never be operated by a
person in the bath or under the shower. So always keep sufficient distance between
the bathroom heater and the bath and shower room.
Rule 3
The Eurom bathroom heater may be mounted in zone 3 only.
A bathroom has a zone layout with 4 different zones (see the drawing).
Zone 0 The space in the bath and in the shower tray.
Zone 1 option 1: with shower cubicle / with bath-wall partition
The space above the bath and above the shower tray (up to a max. of
225 cm from the ground)
option 2: No shower cubicle / No bath-wall partition (a curtain is
not a partition!)
The space above the bath and above the shower tray (up to a max. of
225 cm from the ground) plus the space next to the bath and shower
tray with a radius of 120 cm. Calculated from the edge of the bath and
the edge of the shower tray.
Zone 2 option 1: with shower cubicle / with bath-wall partition
The space next to the bath and shower tray with a radius of 60 cm.
Calculated from the edge of the bath and the edge
of the shower tray.
option 2: no shower cubicle / no bath-wall partition (a curtain is
not a partition!)
In this situation, there is no zone 2
The 60 cm space around the washbasin tap
Zone 3- Other space