In these stoves it is possible to install an external thermostat. This operation may only be performed by authorised personnel. Use a 2-pole cable with everyday
double insulation. Connect the 2 poles to connector 7 of the electronic board. In the event that the thermostat is closed, the stove functions at the power set. If the
thermostat opened, the stove would work in MODULATE mode until the thermostat closed.
1. Pellet tank
2. Ash collection compartment
3. Firebox door
4. Lateral inspection
5. Upper fume outlet
First connect the stove plug to the mains and load the pellet hopper. For this operation it is very important not to empty the entire bag in one go but to perform the
operation slowly to avoid pouring the powder of the pellets present in the bag into the hopper. Be careful not to damage the gasket in the lid of the pellet hopper
and keep the support surface of the latter clean.
The pellet must not be of poor quality; the use of poor quality pellets can cause the stove to not reach maximum efficiency due to poor combustion and degradation
of the stove itself. Check that the door of the pellet hopper is fully and correctly closed otherwise the stove will not work properly.
There is an end of stroke contact in the door that in case it is not closed correctly removes the power supply to the auger tube and would send the stove into DEP
Press and hold the P5 button to display the system pressure. Having checked the latter, vented the system, loaded the pellets and performed INITIAL LOAD, switch
on the stove.
The stove contains the cleaning mechanism of the burn pot and of the turbulators. Before loading the pellets, the stove activates these cleaning devices so that the
burn pot and the exchanger pipes are always clean to obtain the highest yield possible. This cleaning phase lasts on average 4 minutes. After cleaning, if all the
mechanisms have successfully concluded their cycle then PELLET LOADING will take place otherwise there will be an alarm that will interrupt the ignition phase.
The control panel shows the information concerning the stove operation status. Several types of data can be displayed and the settings available according to the
access level can be modified by entering the menu.
Depending on the selected mode and on their position on the display, the data visualised may acquire different meanings.
The meaning of the status indicators on the left side of the display.
Active chrono-thermostat
Active ignition spark plug
Active auger tube
Active exhaust blower
Active room ventilation
Active pump
Activation in the display of one of the segments in the “status” area indicates activation of the corresponding device.
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