Eva Stampaggi S.r.l. guarantees that the stove is built in accordance with EN 13240 (wood-burning stoves) EN 14785 (pellet stoves) and EN 12815 (wood-burning
stoves) and uses quality and non-polluting materials.
Eva Stampaggi S.r.l. guarantees that the stove is free from defects that make it unsuitable for its intended use or significantly reduce its value. The rules of the
Italian Civil Code or applicable national law governing the guarantee in the sales contract, or applicable national law ex D. Int.
Any non-compliance may be upheld with the warranties and procedures provided for in Legislative Decree 206/2005, provided that the purchaser was aware of the
defect, or was not able to ignore it with ordinary due diligence, or if the non-compliance derives from instructions or materials supplied by the same.
The warranty excludes malfunctions, defects and/or faults and consequent damages, resulting from property and/or persons, attributable to an abnormal and/or
improper use of the product and/or not in compliance with safety regulations and/or the “Hydro stoves instruction manual”, or resulting from an installation that does
not comply (to which the absence of documents certifying such compliance is also equated) with current regulations and safety directives, or performed by
unqualified personnel (UNI10683 and UNIEN 1443), or when, by way of example, there is a direct discharge to the wall.
Similarly, any lack of conformity that should be randomly ascribed to use or installation of the product that does not comply with the applicable laws and regulations
and/or the instructions contained in this "Instruction Manual" will not be covered by the warranty.
The aforementioned warranty is also excluded for defects in conformity, malfunction, defects and/or faults and the consequent damage, caused to property and/or
persons, resulting from the use of the stove in a manner that does not comply with safety directives.
The warranty for malfunction, defects and/or defects and/or faults does not work and Eva Stampaggi S.r.l. assumes no responsibility for damages caused to
property or persons resulting from: the lack of first ignition carried out by a specialised technician, to which the absence of such documents, proving said operation,
is equated; from the violation and/or non-compliance with the provisions of this Instruction Manual; from the tampering and/or alteration of the stove and its electrical
board; from the non-compliance with lights and alarms; from the failure to clean and routine maintenance; from the failure to clean and extraordinary maintenance
carried out by specialised technical personnel, to which the absence of documents proving said maintenance is equated; from the improper use of the stove; from
the lack of installation requirements; from the non-compliance with the procedures for reporting conformity defects provided for in Legislative Decree no. 206/2005;
from the use of unsuitable or poor-quality fuel; from modifications and/or repairs carried out without prior notification and corresponding authorisation by Eva
Stampaggi S.r.l.; from the use of non-original and/or non-specific spare parts for the stove.
The above list must be considered non-exhaustive and therefore the cases not expressly indicated but which, by virtue of analogical interpretation, can be equated
with the cases listed must also be considered included among the cases of exclusion of the guarantee.
All the following differences related to the natural characteristics of the coating materials are excluded from the warranty: the grains of the stones that are the main
characteristic and that guarantee their uniqueness; any small cracks or cracks that could be highlighted in ceramic/majolica coatings; any differences in shades
and shades on ceramic/majolica coatings; door glass; gaskets; masonry works.
Eva Stampaggi S.r.l. assumes no responsibility for: damage to chrome finished and/or anodised metal parts and/or painted or otherwise with treated surfaces,
whether due to rubbing or impact with other metals; damage to chrome finished and/or anodised metal parts and/or painted or with treated surfaces, whether due
to improper maintenance and/or cleaning with products or chemical agents (said parts must be cleaned using only water); damage to mechanical components and
mechanical parts due to improper use or installation by non-specialist personnel or for installation not in compliance with the instructions contained in the packaging;
damage to electrical or electronic components and parts due to improper use or installation by non-authorised personnel or for installation not in compliance with
the instructions contained in the packaging.
Ignition resistors are material subject to wear and tear, the duration of which depends on the use of the stove; the relative warranty is therefore limited to the first 6
months of use of the product.
Warning: after purchase, keep the warranty certificate together with the original packaging of the product, the installation and testing certificate and the receipt
issued by the seller. The date of the sales tax document will determine the actual duration of the warranty.
The warranty provided shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:
The after-sales service is managed by our staff who may be contacted on 0438 35469 or by e-mail at assistenza@evacalor.it
Our qualified staff will provide you with information concerning technical, installation or maintenance problems.
Should it not prove possible to solve the issue over the phone, our staff will forward it to the Technical Support Service closest to you, which will guarantee support
by a technician within 5 working days.
Parts replaced during the warranty period will be guaranteed during the remaining warranty period of the product purchased.
The manufacturer shall not pay the customer any indemnities for the inconvenience of not being able to use the product during the period required for repairing.
Should it be necessary to replace the product, the manufacturer will deliver it to the dealer who will then deliver it to the end user following the same procedure as
for the product purchase.
This guarantee is valid within Italy; in the event of sale or installation carried out elsewhere, the guarantee must be recognised by the distributor in that territory.
The warranty is carried out with the repair or replacement of defective parts, or the entire item, at the discretion of the company.
When requesting assistance, you must have the following to hand:
Serial number
Stove model
Purchase date
Purchase location
Warranty goodwill certificate completed by specialised C.A.T.
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