Make sure that the stove is transported in compliance with safety regulations. Avoid any improper transfers or knocks that may damage the ceramics or the
The metal structure is coated using high temperature paints. When using the appliance for the first few times, unpleasant odours may be given off due to the
paint of the metal parts that is drying: this is in no way dangerous and in such case, simply ventilate the premises. After the first heating cycles, the paint will
reach its maximum adhesion and all its chemical and physical features.
To refill the hopper, simply lift the access cover and pour the pellets in, even when the machine is on, taking care not to spill outside of the hopper. Always
refuel the hopper before leaving the operating stove unattended for long periods of time.
Whenever the hopper and the Auger tube get completely empty, the appliance will be automatically switched off. It may take two separate ignitions to resume
operation at ideal working conditions since the Auger tube is very long.
CAUTION! If the installation is not carried out according to the procedures indicated, in the event of a power failure, part of the combustion fumes
could be spilled into the environment. In some cases, it may be necessary to install an uninterruptible power supply.
CAUTION! Being a heating appliance, some parts of the stove can become extremely hot. For precisely this reason, we advise that you take extreme
care during operation.
odo not open the door;
odo not touch the door glass since it becomes extremely hot;
okeep children away from it;
odo not touch the fume outlet;
odo not pour any liquid inside the firebox;
odo not perform any maintenance operations if the stove is not cold;
oonly qualified technicians are allowed to perform any operation;
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