The stove requires simple and frequent cleaning to guarantee maximum efficiency and correct operation.
The Buyer must carry out regular cleaning of the stove following the instructions contained in this Instruction Manual, and in particular must carry out daily cleaning
before each ignition or refilling of pellets, the ash drawer, the fire pit and the combustion chamber.
Failure to clean and/or routinely maintain the stove can cause: malfunctions, clogging of the burn pot
and pipes, poor or slow combustion, overheating of the stove and fire in the tank.
Eva Stampaggi S.r.l. assumes no criminal and/or civil liability, direct and/or indirect for the
malfunction of the stove and for damage to persons or property caused by the failure/incorrect
cleaning and routine maintenance of the stove.
Perform daily cleaning in a completely cold stove as follows:
•Vacuum the base of the fire pit inside the combustion chamber
Perform weekly cleaning in a completely cold stove as follows:
•Vacuum the combustion chamber, ensuring that there are no burning embers remaining.
If embers are still burning, the vacuum cleaner will catch fire;
•Remove the ash that collects inside the fire box and on the door.
•Clean the glass with a damp cloth orwith a ball of damp newspaper dipped in ash. If the
operation is performed with the stove hot there is a risk of the glass exploding.
•Empty the ash drawer, by vacuuming it or throwing the ash out with the rubbish.
•Vacuum the ash drawer compartment and theadjacent inspection window.
Perform monthly cleaning in a completely cold stove as follows:
•Vacuum the T lid of the fume connection. Open the side inspection window and remove the T lid.
Caution: Only use a dry cloth to clean the stove. Do not use abrasive material or products that could corrode or bleach surfaces. At the end of the season, with the
last ignition, the pellet remaining in the auger must be consumed completely. The auger must remain empty to avoid clogging due to solidified sawdust residue
created by moisture.
It is also possible to raise the plate (or glass) and vacuum the fume circulator.
When the fume circulator is clean ensure the plate is well positioned.
The Buyer must have the flue and flue pipe cleaned annually, before winter, by qualified technical personnel and retaining the documentation to be shown in the
event of activation of the warranty.
Before performing maintenance it is recommended to turn thestove off using the power button, and remove the plug.
Cleaning must also be carried out before resuming use of the stove, as during the summer there may have been impediments to the regular flow of exhaust gases
(e.g. nesting, fouling or obstruction).
The lack of extraordinary maintenance can cause: depression with poor draught and a slow flame, clogging of the burn pot and pipes, overheating of the stove and
fire in the smoke pipe.
Eva Stampaggi S.r.l. assumes no criminal and/or civil liability, directand/or indirect for the malfunction and those resulting from people or things caused by the
failure/incorrect extraordinary maintenance of the stove.
It is not uncommon, at the first cold spell and with wind for fires to ignite in the chimney due to the residue build up; some advice in the unfortunate event of this
happening is:
•Block air supply to the pipe immediately;
•Use large handfuls of sand or salt, not water, to extinguish the fire;
•Move objects and furniture away from the hot chimney.
Caution: Only use a dry cloth for cleaning the outside of the stove. At the end of the season, with the last ignition, the pellet remaining in the auger must be
consumed completely. The auger must remain empty to avoid clogging due to solidified sawdust residue created by moisture.
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