This stove is an air-tight stove. If properly connected by means of a suction tube, these stoves draw the combustion air and the air necessary for glass
cleaning directly from outside and not from the room where they are installed, preserving the oxygen in the room. Using coaxial tubes the air will be pre-
warmed contributing to improved combustion and lower emissions into the atmosphere. Ideal for passive houses, they offer best comfort at the lowest
cost. The stove works even if not connected to the external air intake.
Besides complying with the minimum clearances set above, we also recommend installing heat-resistant fireproof insulating panels (rock wool, cellular concrete,
The following is recommend:
Promasil 1000
Classification temperature: 1000 °C
Density: 245 kg/m
Shrinkage at reference temperature, 12 h: 1.3/1000°C %
Cold crushing strength: 1.4 MPa
Bending strength: 0.5 MPa
Reversible thermal expansion: 5.4x10
•When it is operational, the stove can cause a negative pressure in the room where it is installed. Therefore there should not be in the same room other naked
flame devices, with the exception only of type c stoves (airtight).
•Make sure that the stove can draw the necessary quantity of combustion air: this must be from an open space (i.e. a space without exhaust blowers or
providing adequate ventilation) or directly from outside.
•Do not install the stove in bedrooms or bathrooms.
•Unpack the stove: be careful not to damage the product at the time of unpacking.
•Check the stove's legs and adjust them so that the stove is stable.
•Place the stove so that the door and any window openings are not against the walls.
•After connecting the stove to the combustion air inlet join the coupling device to the vent pipe.
Exhaust pipes must never be fitted pointing downwards or horizontally so that fumes are discharged directly through the external wall.
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