The flue pipe is one of the key features for guaranteeing the proper functioning of the stove. Thanks to the quality of the materials, the strength, the durability, the
easy cleaning and maintenance, the best flue pipes are made of steel, either stainless steel or aluminised.
•In order to facilitate connection to the rigid steel flue, it is advisable to use telescopic fittings which, in addition to facilitating the procedure, also
compensate for the thermal expansion of both the firebox and of the flue itself.
•It is advisable to block the chimney at the end of the stove with silicon resistant to high temperatures (1000°C). If the entrance to the existing chimney is
not perfectly perpendicular to the smoke outlet of the firebox, their connection must be made using the dedicated inclined fitting. Inclination must never
exceed 45°, with respect to the vertical axis.
•In case of passage through floors, an insulating sleeve of 10cm thickness must be interposed.
•The flue pipe must be insulated along its entire length. The insulation will make it possible to maintain a high fume temperature. To optimise the draught,
avoid condensation and reduce deposits of unburnt particles on the walls of the flue. Use proper insulating materials (glass wool, ceramicfibre, Class A1
non-combustible materials).
•The flue pipe must be weather-proof and as linear as possible.
•Flexible and length-adjustable metal pipes may not be used.
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