The boilers are supplied in different packagings:
- Boiler
- 1m flue system (separate packaging)
- Decide where the boiler is to be fixed on the wall taking into account the installation requirements detailed
in section 4.2 and the clearances and dimensions described in the technical data.
The centres for the hanging strap fixing are 85mm below the top of the boiler casing, see fig below. The flue
pipe centre is 213mm above the hanging strap centres. NOTE: a fall of about 6mm should be allowed on the
flue pipe to stop water ingress.
A screw fixing should be made on the bottom rail of the boiler to secure it during transport.
Use the paper template to mark out the positions of the fixing holes and pipe connections.
- Drill the wall and screw the wall bracket to the wall with three screws supplied, taking into account the clear-
ances and dimensions which are show in figures 1, 3, and 4.
- Fix the pre-plumbing jig in position.
- The pre-plumbing jig enables the system pipework to be completed and commissioned before the boiler is
fitted to the wall. This work should now be completed.