Place the leftmost Camp from your Player board on the Base Terrain tile.
Move your marker up 1 space on either of the two Idol tracks (your choice). See page XX for more
details on this.
Bury one of your starting cards (place it face down, rotated sideways, and in your Burial Ground
area). Buried cards are worth points at the end of the game.
After drawing your initial hand of 5 cards, draw 1 extra card.
9. Place each player’s Score marker of each player color on the “0/100” space on the Scoring track.
10. Place the Labor tokens and “+100” tokens in a nearby supply.
11. Place each player’s Idol markers on the Idol board, 1 on the bottom level of each track.
12. Shuffle the Animal cards, and place them face down as the Animal deck on its space on the
Animal board.
13. Take a number of Animal cards from the top of the Animal deck equal to the number of players
+1 and place them face up on the Animal board (e.g. 4 Animal cards in a 3-player game). This
forms the Animal display.
14. Place each player’s Tribe markers at random on the turn order track, filling spaces from top to
15. Players gain the following benefits based on turn order:
1st player: (none)
2nd player: 1 Food
3rd player: 1 Tool
4th player: 1 Food and 1 Tool
● Build the Megalith board by shuffling the 4
Megalith tiles and then arranging them in one
of the variable setup patterns shown below.
For your first game, we recommend using the