English - 1 -
Customer Helpline 0845 459 5282
Packa ge Content s ..... ............... ............... ............... 3
Feature s ............ ................ ............... ............... ....... 3
Introdu ction ........... ............... ................... ................ 4
Prepara tion ................... ............... ................ ........... 4
Safe ty Pre cautions .................... ................ ............. 4
Power Source ......... ............... ................ ............. 4
Power Cord ........ ............... ............... ................ ... 4
Moist ure and Water ......... ............... ............... ..... 4
Clea ning.................. ............... ............... .............. 4
V entilation ................. ............... ............... ............ 4
Heat and Flam es . ......... ............... ............... ........ 4
Lightn ing ................. ............... ............... .............. 5
Repl acement Par ts ................. ............... ............. 5
Serv icing ..... ............... ............... ............... ........... 5
W aste D isposal ... ............... .................... ............. 5
Instructi ons fo r waste dispo sal:.............. ............. 5
Informa tion for Us ers in Eu ropean Union
Coun tries .. ........... ................ ............... ............... . 5
Discon necting the Devic e . .... .................... .......... 5
Head phone V olume .. ............... ............... ............ 5
Instal lation.......... ............... .................... .............. 5
LCD Sc reen ............. ............... ............... ............. 5
W arning ......... ............... ............... ................ ....... 5
Environ mental I nformatio n ...... ................ ............... 7
Repa ir Informat ion .. ......... ................ ............... ........ 7
Remote Control Handset ................... ................ ..... 7
Remote Control Buttons . ............... ............... .......... 8
LED TV and Operati ng Buttons .. ........... ................ . 9
Viewing t he Connec tions - Ba ck Conne ctors .. ..... .. 9
Viewing t he Connec tions - Si de Connec tors . ....... 10
Aerial C onnect ion ............ ............... .................... ...1 1
Power Connec tion ..... ............... ............... ..............1 1
Switc hing the TV O n/Off ............... ............... ..........1 1
T o S witch the TV O n .. ................... ................ .....1 1
T o S witch the TV O f f . .......... ................ ...............1 1
First Time Install ation.......... ............... ................ ....1 1
Conn ecting to a DVD Pla yer.......... ............... ........ 13
Conn ecting the LED TV to a PC ..... ............... ....... 13
Side HD MI Con nection (HD MI 4) ..... ............... ..... 13
Using S ide A V Conn ectors .............. ................ ..... 14
Using Ot her Co nnectors .... ............... ................... . 14
USB Memory C onnectio n ........ ............... .............. 1 4
Conn ecting to a Wired Ne twork (optio nal) ........... . 16
Conn ecting to a Wireless Network (Optio nal)....... 17
Input S election ........... ............... ................ ............ 18
Basic Operatio ns ............ ............... ................ ....... 18
Opera tion with th e Buttons on the TV .. ............. 18
V olume S etting ............. ............... ............... ... 18
Progr amme Sel ection .............. ................ ..... 18
Viewing Ma in Menu . ..... ............... .................. 1 8
A V Mode .. .......... ............... ............... ............. 18
Opera tion with th e Remote Control .............. .... 18
V olume S etting ............. ............... ............... ... 18
Progr amme Sel ection (Pre vious or N ext
Progr amme) . .................... ............... .............. 1 8
Progr amme Sel ection (Dire ct Access) ...... .... 18
Vi ew ing the El e ctr o nic Pr ogr am me Gu ide (E PG ) .... 1 8
EPG Timeline Men u ................... ................ ....... 1 8
EPG Programme Guide Me nu .... ................... ... 19
EPG Now and N ext Menu...... ................ ........... 1 9
Recordi ng via EP G Screen ................ ............... 19
Progr amme Opti ons.......... ............... ................. 1 9
Instal lation ................ .................... ............... ......... 20
Auto Channel Sca n Menu O peration .. .............. 20
Manua l T uning ........ ............... ............... ............... 2 0
Analog ue Fine Tune.............. ............... ............. 21
First Time Install ation ............ ............... ............. 2 1
Clea r Service Lis t (*) .... ............... ................ ...... 21
Manag ing Statio ns: Chann el List ........... ............... 2 1
Opera ting the Ch annel Li st . ................ .............. 22
Moving a Chann el ........ ............... .................... .. 22
Dele ting a Cha nnel . ..... ............... ............... ....... 22
Rena ming a Ch annel . ............... .................... .... 22
Locking a Chan nel ..... ............... ................... ..... 22
Manag ing Statio ns: Favouri tes . .................. .......... 22
Button Functions ............ ............... ................... . 22
Manag ing Statio ns: Sor ting Channel List .. ........... 23
On-Scr een Inf ormation .... .................... ............... .. 23
Media Playbac k Using Med ia Brows er ........ ......... 23
Viewing Vide os via USB . ............... ............... ... 24
Viewing P hotos via US B . ......... ................ ......... 24
Slides how Optio ns ..... ............... ............... ......... 24
Playin g Music v ia USB .......... ............... ............ 2 5
Media Browser Settings .... ............... ................ . 25
Viewing I nternet Ser vices .. ........... ............... ........ 25
Using D LNA Network S ervice ... ................... ......... 2 6
Informa tion .... ............... .................... ............... .. 26
Step 1: Nero Me dia Home Installat ion ..... ......... 26
Step 2: Connectin g to a Wi red or Wi reless
Networ k.............. ............... ................... ............. 2 6
Wire d Connection ............. ............... ................. 2 6
Wire less Connec tion .... ............... .................... .. 26
St e p 3 : P l a y i n g S h a r e d F i l e s v i a M e dia B r ow se r .... 2 6
T imes hift Record ing . ..... ............... ............... ......... 27
Instan t Recordin g . ............ ............... ............... ...... 28
W atchi ng Recorde d Program mes ................... .... 28
Chan ging Image Size: Pic ture Forma ts ............... . 29
Confi guring Pictu re Setting s ........ ............... .......... 30
Opera ting Pictu re Settings M enu It ems . ........... 30
Picture Settings Menu Items ............ ............... .. 30
PC Pic ture Set tings.......... ............... ................ .. 31
Confi guring So und Settin gs ........... ................ ....... 3 1
Opera ting Sound S ettings Menu Ite ms ............ . 31
Sound Settings M enu Item s.................. ............ 3 1
Confi guring Y our T V’s Set tings ....... ............... ....... 3 2
Opera ting Settin gs Menu It ems ............. ........... 3 2
Setting s Menu I tems . ............... ................ ......... 32
Using a Condit ional Access Mod ule (not
suppl ied) .... ............... ............... .................... ......... 32
Viewing Co nditiona l Ac cess M enu (*) .............. . 32
01_[GB]_MB70_5112UK_IDTV_T_DLNA_MMH_IP LAYER_ 100Hz_46965LED_GOLD 11_10077106_50213111.indd 1 19.01.2012 11:04:21