- Sound power level LWA ........................................................................................................................... 90,4dB(A)
- Uncertainty of measurement K .........................................................................................................................3 dB
We recommend you to use ear protection devices.
Bandsaw noise sources are: the electric motor and its ventilation system, the belt speed reducer, the blade and the
material to be cut.
As far as motor is concerned, take care to inspect it and its ventilation system on a regular basis, making sure that
aspiration inlets are clean. Regarding the reducer, check the condition and the tension of the belt. Keep the blade in
effecient conditions, use the suitable blade according to the material to be cut, and always keep the workpiece
correctly blocked.
Noise levels are emission levels and do not necessarily indicate safe working conditions. Even if there is a connection
between emission levels and exposure levels, the first ones cannot be used to determine safely if other precautions
are necessary. Factors that can influence actual exposure level of the user include exposure length, environmental
features and other noise sources, as for example the number of machines and operations in the surrounding area.
Besides, exposure levels can change from country to country. However, these instructions enable the user of the
machine to better evaluate dangers and risks.
Your bandsaw is delivered complete of all parts into a box. Unpack it with care, check if there are any missing or
damaged parts.
If you find any faulty or damaged parts do not use them in order not to endanger the efficiency and the safety of the
tool. Contact an after sales centre to replace faulty parts.
In order that the bandsaw perfectly works you must assemble various parts, for which you can find a detailed
explanation in the following paragraphs.
We recommend you to read the assembly instructions carefully and to follow them to the letter.
Remove the protective coating of the worked surfaces with a cloth and a cleansing, as for example WD40; do not
Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.
Art des Missbrauchs:
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