Direction Keys
Moves left or lets you edit a word.
Moves right or types a space.
Enters a capital or adds an accent to
a letter. Scrolls up a list or darkens
the screen contrast at the “ENTER a
word” screen.
Scrolls down a list or lightens the
screen contrast at the “ENTER a
word” screen. Enters a period in the
✓ Resuming Where You Left Off
To extend battery life, Pocket Thesaurus will auto-
matically shut off within two minutes if you forget
to turn it off. When you turn it on again, you return
to the last screen you viewed.
✓ Adjusting Screen Contrast
You can make the screen lighter or darker when
“ENTER a word” is on the screen. Press SPELL.
Use or to make the screen darker or lighter.
You can do this at this screen only.
Key Guide