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M1-M10: Model numbering for model memories stored within the transmitter’s memory, not in the optional CAMPac.
Mandatory Procedures for using with HRS receivers ................................................................................................5, 48
Master: In programmable mixing, the channel the other servo will follow. In brake mixing, the throttle channel’s braking
side. See Programmable Mixes ............................................................................................................................................40
MC Setup (for HRS receivers only): HRS provides a very rapid frame rate – faster than most non-Futaba ESCs are
designed to read/comprehend. Therefore, most non-Futaba ESCs’ self-setup procedures are unable to complete the self-
setups and self-tests properly at this high frame rate. The MC Setup function, along with a special cord (not included),
allow the receiver to communicate with the ESC temporarily at a slower frame rate so the ESC can properly set up and be
prepared to operate properly in HRS....................................................................................................................................44
MC-SETUP: See MC Setup................................................................................................................................................44
MDL-COPY: See Model Copy............................................................................................................................................33
MDL-NAME: See Model Name. ........................................................................................................................................15
MDL-RES: See Model Reset. .............................................................................................................................................32
MDL-SEL: See Model Selection.........................................................................................................................................14
Meaning of Special Markings............................................................................................................................................47
Mechanical ATL..................................................................................................................................................................50
Menu Complexity: See Level Selection .............................................................................................................................12
Menu Level: See Level Selection........................................................................................................................................12
Menus: 3PK offers two separate menu types – the Direct Select menu which offers access to your 6 favorite functions with
just 2 buttons; all of the features of the radio in 3 levels of complexity (Level 1, 2, 3). ....................................................11
Metal Gears: One or more drive gears within a servo that are made of one or multiple metal types. Metal gears tend to
wear more rapidly than nylon gears when in the same installation, and so require more frequent service to maintain
optimum accuracy; however, metal gears are more durable in the case of severe vibration, flutter, or physical shock.
mHz (Megahertz = million cycles per second): The unit of radio frequency. 75 mHz are surface frequencies; 72 mHz are
air frequencies; 27 mHz and 50 mHz can be used for either ground or air applications. Note: Use of the 50 mHz (ham radio)
band requires an FCC license. The 3PK is not available on 50 mHz.
Mix Mode: Option in programmable mixing. Selects whether slave moves exactly based upon the master channel’s control
movement (unmixed) or the master channel’s servo movements after any mixing (mixed). In brake mixing, determines
whether front brakes respond based solely on trigger position (UNMIX), or whether other functions’ adjustments to rear
brakes also affect front brakes (MIXED). See Programmable Mixes. ................................................................................40
Mixing: Allows a single input to control the operation of two or more servos that are plugged into separate channels.
Simplifies more involved setups. For example, brake mixing, which utilizes 2 servos, one for front wheel braking and one
for rear wheel braking, allows different amounts of braking to front and rear when the driver simply gives brake with the
trigger. 3PK has 2 free programmable mixes which could be used to set up 4-wheel steering, separate front and rear steering
with adjustable acumen, etc. See Programmable Mixes.......................................................................................................40
MOD-MODE: Function used to select modulation for each separate model memory. ....................................................16
MODE: Setting for this function at this time – typically inhibited or active. More extensive choices are available in some functions.
Model Copy: Makes a back up or duplicate copy of all model data. .................................................................................33
Model Name: Provides a 10-character name for the model for easily selecting the right model memory. .......................15
Model Reset: Resets nearly all data associated with the currently-selected model memory..............................................32
Model Selection: Chooses a model memory to set up or use. ............................................................................................14
Modulation: The method or “language” used to transmit data to the receiver. 3PK supports PPM (commonly called FM),
PCM1024, and HRS. See MOD-MODE..............................................................................................................................16

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