SWASH AFR [HELI(SWH2/4/SN-3, SR-3) only]:
Swashplate function rate settings (SWASH AFR) reduce/increase/reverse the rate (travel)
of the aileron, elevator (except SWH2) and collective pitch functions, adjusting or
reversing the motion of all servos involved in that function, only when using that
function. Since these types utilize multiple servos together to create the controls, simply
adjusting a servo’s REVERSE or END POINT would not properly correct the travel of any
one control. Since SW1 uses one servo for each function, there is no need for AFR in SW1.
This is fairly hard to explain but easy to see, so let’s set up Kyosho Caliber’s swashplate settings as an example. With
everything installed per factory instructions, set the model to HELI(SR-3). Now let’s adjust the swashplate properly.
Since aileron always uses no more than 2 servos, check it first. Either both operate properly (no change needed), both
operate backwards (reverse the whole function), or one servo operates backwards (reverse that servo alone).
Next check elevator. Remember, the aileron servo(s) operate correctly, so if elevator does not, we should only have 2
choices left – the whole function needs to be reversed, or the servo(s) not shared with aileron need to be reversed.
Last is collective. If aileron and elevator are working properly, the only thing that could be wrong is the whole direction
collective operates (reverse the whole function). In our example, SR-3 is 180 degrees off from the swashplate of the Caliber.
Therefore, it is very likely that several functions will not operate properly. The collective pitch operation is backwards; but
reversing all three servos would also reverse the aileron and elevator operations. Changing the collective pitch rate,
however, from +50% to –50%, will reverse the collective pitch without affecting the aileron action.