FXA-90 Installation services
Please completely ll out the below form to ensure
correct processing.
Name: .........................................................................
Street: ..........................................................................
House number........... Extension: ................
Postal code: .............. City:..............................
Country: .......................................................................
Telephone number: ......................................................
(we will contact you when we have questions regard-
ing the setup of your product)
Which telephone numbers must be programmed in
the alarm button? (If you like us to program less than
ve, please leave these numbers empty)
SOS number 1: .............................................................
SOS number 2: .............................................................
SOS number 3: .............................................................
SOS number 4: .............................................................
SOS number 5: .............................................................
Would you like to have a message send to SOS num-
bers 1 and 2 when the battery is not charged on time?
Don’t forget to include the device, the screws and your
SIM card including its documentation when sending
us this request form.