The cooking times given are only a recommendation and depend on the temperature of the food before
roasting. For precise control use the meat probe. Do not insert the tip of the meat probe in the middle
(hollow) but between the belly and the thigh. Refer to the chapter “Meat Probe” for further tips and the
temperature table.
Season poultry with spices and only little or no oil to get a crispy skin.
Dish Cooking Temperature Moisture Cooking time
insert in °C in % in minutes
Duck, whole, 3 kg* unperforated 1) 150-160 60 80-90
2) 220 0 20-30
Duck breast, medium rare, 350 g each unperforated 160-180 0 12-18
Chicken, whole, 1.5 kg wire rack 170-180 60 50-60
Stuffed chicken breast, steamed, unperforated 100 100 10-15
200 g each
Leg of chicken, 350 g each wire rack 170-180 30-60 40-45
Turkey breast, steamed, 300 g each perforated 100 100 12-15
Poussins, quails, pigeons, steamed, perforated 100 100 25-30
300 g each
Poussins, quails, pigeons, 300 g each perforated 180-200 60-80 12-16
*Start roasting the duck with the breast facing down. Turn the duck after half the cooking time. This prevents the
sensitive breast meat from drying out.
Side dishes
The cooking time is a rough value. Observe the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Dish Cooking Temperature Moisture Cooking time
insert in °C in % in minutes
Basmati rice (250 g + 500 ml water) unperforated 100 100 20-25
Cous-cous (250 g + 250 ml water) unperforated 100 100 5-10
Potato gratin (1.5 kg potatoes) unperforated 180-200 0-30 35-50
Dumplings, 90 g each perforated 95-100 100 25-30
Long grain rice (250 g + 500 ml water) unperforated 100 100 25-30
Brown rice (250 g + 375 ml water) unperforated 100 100 25-35
Lentils (250 g + 500 ml water) unperforated 100 100 25-35