The Automatic Water Distributor
1 x GARDENA “Profi” Maxi-Flow
System Tap Connector (5)
(internal ∅15 mm),
4 x Original GARDENA System
Tap Connector (7)
(internal ∅9 mm),
3 x End cap (8)
The water outlets of the Automatic
Water Distributor will, according
to the specific programming of the
Water Computers 1060/1030 or
Watertimer electronic, be auto-
matically opened and shut se-
Due to the individual operation
of various channels larger watering
systems or several watering
channels can be operated even
at lower water pressure, controlled
by a Water Computer/ Watertimer.
4. Function of the unit
1. Protection cap
2. Dial disc
3. Water inlet 26.5 mm (G 3/4)
4. Dirt filter
5. “Profi” Maxi-Flow System
Tap Connector
6. Water outlets 26.5 mm (G 3/4)
7. Original GARDENA System
Tap Connector
8. End caps
3. Functional parts (ill. A)
Translation of the original in-
structions from German.
Please read the operating in-
structions carefully and use the
unit accordingly. Use the operating
instructions to get acquainted
with the appliance, its proper use
as well as the safety instructions.
AFor safety reasons
children under the age of
16 and those unfamiliar with
the instructions should not use
the Automatic Water Distributor.
Please keep the operating
instructions and refer to them
whenever a problem and/or
questions arise.
1. Information concerning the operating instructions
The Automatic Water Distributor
is designed to provide fully auto-
matic control of up to 6 individual
water channels when used in
conjunction with the GARDENA
Water Computer 1060. The use of
the Automatic Water Distributor is
recommended if the simultaneous
operation of watering system
(i.e. Sprinkler System, several
oscillating sprinklers, etc.) is im-
possible due to insufficient water
pressure, or if various plant areas
with different water requirements
need to be served.
Of course, the Automatic Water
Distributor can be operated not
only fully automatically but also
semi-automatically in combination
with the GARDENA Watertimer
or even manually by opening and
shutting the water tap.
The Automatic Water Distributor
is designed for outdoor use only
in the private garden to control
watering systems (sprinklers,
watering systems).
AThe Automatic Water
Distributor is not designed
for industrial use or in connec-
tion with chemicals, food or any
inflammable products.
To operate the Automatic Water
Distributor in accordance with
these operationg instructions is
the basis for correct usage of
the device.
2. Application
5. Preparing the unit for operation