Fault Possible Cause Remedy
Watering program is not Valve was opened manually v Avoid possible program
being undertaken previously. overlaps.
(no watering)
Tap turned off. v Turn on tap.
Program overlap v Enter new watering
watering start time has program without overlaps.
Soil moisture or rain sensor v If dry, check setting/
reports sufficient moisture. location of soil moisture/
rain sensor.
Batt. indicator flashes because v Insert new (alkaline) battery
battery is almost flat.
Water Computer does Minimum quantity of water v Connect more drip heads
not close drawn is less than 20 l/ h.
If you have any other problems with your Water Computer, please contact GARDENA Service.
9. Putting Your Water Computer out of Operation
1. Press Menu-key 3 times, select Prog. Off with the ▲-key
and confirm with the O.K.-key.
The watering programs are deleted.
2. Store your Water Computer in a dry place where it is protected
from frost.
Please return flat batteries to a GARDENA dealer or dispose
of them properly at your nearest recycling centre. Only dispose
of batteries when they are flat.
10. Accessories
Automatic control with: GARDENA Soil Moisture Sensor Art. No. 1187
GARDENA Rain Sensor electronic Art. No. 1189
GARDENA Automatic Water Distributor Art. No. 1198
Over-wintering /