Not All Maps Fit, Some Maps will not be drawn— Maximum number of individual maps on data
card(s) has been exceeded.
Off Course Alarm— You have exceeded the specifi ed off-course distance.
Proximity Alarm Memory is Full— You have used all available proximity waypoints.
Proximity Alarm: <Waypoint>— You have entered the alarm radius for the proximity waypoint indicated.
Proximity Overlaps Another Proximity Waypoint—The alarm radius specifi ed overlaps the area specifi ed for another proximity waypoint. Adjust the distance.
Route Already Exists: <route name>— You have entered a route name that already exists in memory. Modify the route name or delete the previous route name.
Route Is Full— You have attempted to add more than 300 points to a route. Reduce the number of points or create a second route.
Route Memory Is Full, Can’t Create Route— Maximum amount of 300 routes is already in the unit’s memory and no additional routes can be added until
existing ones are removed.
Route Truncated— An uploaded route from another device has more than 300 points. Reduce the number of points.
Shallow Water Alarm— Specifi ed shallow water alarm depth has been detected below transducer.
Simulating Operation— The unit is in Simulator (practice) Mode. Do not use for normal navigation!
Track Already Exists: <track name>— You have entered a saved track name that already exists in memory. Modify the track name or delete the previous track
Track Memory Is Full, Can’t Create Track— Track log memory is full. No additional track log data can be stored without deleting old data to create memory
Track Truncated— A complete uploaded track does not fi t into memory. The oldest track log points were deleted to make space for the most recent data.
Transfer Complete— The unit has fi nished uploading/downloading information to the connected device.
User Card Not Found— Attempted to transfer user data without a data card containing user data being present in Slot 1.
Water Temperature Alarm— Sonar has reported a temperature above, below, inside or outside the specifi ed value.
Waypoint Already Exists: <Waypoint>— You have entered a waypoint name that already exists in memory. Modify the waypoint name or delete the previous
waypoint name.
Waypoint Memory Is Full Can’t Create Waypoint— You have used all 4000 waypoints available. Delete unwanted waypoints to make space for new entries.
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