It is the responsibility of the user to use this product with caution. Do
not attempt to use it for any purpose requiring precise measurement
of direction, distance, location, or topography. The user must always
follow the local signalisation.
The Routable Topographical Map is to be used on Garmin GPS units
with automatic routing capabilities. The map gives a number of data
which is increasing with the zoom level. The displayed information
includes the road net, also the pedestrian- and cycling paths-, the land
use, contour lines and topographical details. This information may
vary from country to country, as the source of data is specic to each
of them. The map includes also an algorithm allowing the calculation
of itineraries for walking and cycling. This calculation function can be
used on the GPS unit and on the computer.
The display of the digital map on the computer is realized with the help
of a software, named MapSource, belonging to Garmin. Waypoints,
tracks and itineraries are also displayed with this map in background.
The map is divided in sections (tiles) which can be partially or totally
transferred to the GPS unit.
The DVD-ROM contains the Digital Topographical Maps of Belgium,
the Netherlands and of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg (further in this
guide referred to as Luxemburg), as well as the MapSource program of
This Digital Topographical Map for Benelux is built on basis of the
data from the National Geographic Institute for Belgium, of the data
from the Nederlandse Topograsche Dienst (TND) for the Netherlands
and of the Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie (ACT) for
Luxemburg. The map is completed by the Digital Terrain Elevation Data
(DTED), especially useful in undulating regions. The DTED allows then