Basic features
• ElectronicControlforboilingmodeandKEEPWARMmode
• 2,400Wattrapidboilfunction
• Colouredilluminationindicatingthecurrenttemperaturefrombluetored
• MultipleKEEPWARMtemperatureselection;idealforcoffee,tea,etc.
• Fastswitchoffandresettime,whenboilingtemperatureisreachedorwhenoverheating
and/or boiling dry
Triple protection
• Dryboilprotection:thekettlewillswitchoffin15seconds,evenatacomparativelylow
temperature (e.g. 85 °C). Additionally, the kettle will switch off, when reaching 120 °C or
a few seconds after reaching the boiling temperature.
• Temperatureprobe:twoadditionaltemperatureprobesarelocatedindifferentareasof
the kettle. If the temperature goes beyond a certain value, the temperature probes shut off
the circuit.
• Safetycutout:ifthecurrentoftheheatingelementsgoesbeyondacertainvalue,the
circuit will shut off.
In the event of overheating or short circuit, the kettle will automatically shut down to prevent
further damage. In this case, take your kettle to an authorised service centre for inspection
and repair.
WARNING! Do not attempt to operate the appliance after shut down by the thermal/
safety cut out. Any maintenance, repair and operation other than described in these instruc-
tions must be performed at an authorised service centre to avoid risk of electric shock, fire
or injuries to persons.
Important safeguards
Carefully read all instructions before operating this appliance and save for
further reference. Do not attempt to use this appliance for any other than
the intended use, described in these instructions. Any other use, especially misuse,
can cause severe injuries or damage by electric shock, heat or fire.
Any operation, repair and technical maintenance of the appliance or any part of it other
than described in these instructions may only be performed at an authorised service centre.
Please contact your vendor.
General safety instructions
• ThisapplianceisforhouseholduseonlyandNOTintendedforuseinmovingvehicles
or outdoors. Do not operate or store the appliance in humid or wet areas.
• Donotattempttooperatetheapplianceiftheapplianceoranypartsarelikelytobe
damaged or subject to inadmissible strain (i.e. mechanical or electric shock, overheating).
Before operating, always ensure that there are no objects in the water container, and check
the appliance and each part of it on impeccable operation or any damage or leakage.
Small amounts of condensate may build up on the power base and do not indicate any
damage. The pins of the power plug must be tidy, smooth and clean.