Note: This appliance must only be installed with the flue
You must adhere to the following:
1.1 The flue must be sited in accordance with BS5440: Part 1
(latest edition), see Diagram 1.
1.2 Fit a guard to protect people from any terminal less than 2
metres above any access such as level ground, a balcony
or above a flat roof.
1.3 All vertical and horizontal flues must be securely fixed and
fire precautions followed in accordance with local and
national codes of practice.
1.4 A restrictor may be required. Refer to Technical
Specifications on page 9.
1.5 Two types of flue terminals are available, horizontal and
1.6 To measure for a horizontal terminal decide on the terminal
1.7 Measure the height from the top of the appliance to the
centre of the required outlet.
1.8 For minimum and maximum flue dimensions see Diagrams 1A.
1.9 Allow enough room either above or to the side of the
appliance to assemble the flue on top.
1.10 Assemble a horizontal flue in the following order:
- Vertical section
- 90° elbow
- Horizontal plus terminal
1.11 Support the opening of a masonry installation with a lintel.
1.12 Only the horizontal terminal section can be reduced in size.
Installation Instructions
Site Requirements
UK Dimensions
DimensionTerminal PositionMinimum
ADirectly below an opening600mm
BAbove an opening300mm
CHorizontally next to an opening400mm
DBelow gutters, soil pipes or drain pipe300mm
EBelow eaves300mm
FBelow balcony or car port roof600mm
GFrom a vertical drain pipe or soil pipe300mm
HFrom an internal or external corner or to a
boundary alongside the terminal
IAbove ground, roof or balcony level300mm
DimensionTerminal PositionMinimum
JFrom a surface or boundary facing the
KFrom a terminal facing the terminal600mm
LFrom an opening in the car port (e.g. door,
window) into the dwelling
MVertically from a terminal on the same wall1200mm
NHorizontally from a terminal on the same
PFrom a structure on the roof600mm
QAbove the highest point of intersection with
the roof
* In addition, the terminal should not be nearer than 300mm to an opening in the building fabric formed for the purpose of accommodating a built-in element such as a window frame.
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