Description of the appliance
The TCS-Cody consists of a decoder and a keyboard. The units are connected by a simple
double-wire cable without a special plug. Programming of the TCS-Cody is possible with the
keyboard and the master code.
The TCS-Cody 2 has two potential free relay-outputs enabling direct control of a tubular drive
or an industrial door drive unit or similar instruments. After having entered a valid pass code
the user can, within a period of 30 seconds, trigger the installed drive unit in the dead man’s
mode with the arrow-keys “UP“
▲ and “DOWN“ ▼. The relay is activated only as long as the
arrow-keys are pushed. The two relays are interlocked against each other, so it is not possi-
ble that both relays can be attracted at the same time. After expiration of the enable time of
30 seconds the TCS-Cody locks automatically. The appliance can, however, also be blocked
intentionally within the enable time by pushing the key. The enable time is freely pro-
grammable and can be changed according to the individual demands, if required.
Master code:
The master code is an 8-digit numeral code necessary for all programming procedures.
Only after the input of this code the appliance can be programmed according to your
personal needs. TCS-Cody is preset by the company with the master code 12345678.
Pass code:
The pass code is by choice a four- or five-digit numeral code, by which you operate your
door drive unit. You have the possibility to store up to 50 different pass codes, which means
that up to 50 different persons with different pass codes can open the door. In case you
are accompanied by another person when entering your pass code you can at first press
as many keys as you like before you finally enter your code. This ensures that no other
person can notice your pass code, but the TCS-Cody recognizes your pass code as
correct! The TCS-Cody is preset by the company with the pass code 1234 on memory
location 01. The input of a new pass code has always to be finished by pressing .
After you have made yourself familiar with the functions of the appli
ance, please program your personal master code as well as a pass
code with which you replace the pass code which is located on the
memory place 01. Only by this your TCS-Cody is protected against
Lock-out function:
If the lock-out function is actuated the TCS-Cody automatically blocks for 10 seconds
after the input of a wrong pass code which is signalled with a double sound signal.
By choice, you can arrange that the lock-out time can be doubled after any wrong input
until a correct pass- or master code is entered. The end of the blocking time is signalled
by a long sound signal.
Program 2
Input / Clearing of a pass code
Input 8-digit
master code
Input 4- or 5-digit
pass code
2 x long
Input of 2-digit
memory location
e.g. 07 or 28
Sound signal
1 x long
The pass code entered is now stored at the memory
location selected and connected to the fixed output !
With this procedure you can allocate 50 different
pass codes to the memory locations 00-49 !!