Congratulations on purchasing your GeemarcTM LoopHEARTM.
This is a portable induction loop system that can be used in a
variety of locations, both public and private.
This tough but light unit is easily transported and integral batteries
allow it to be freestanding. These batteries are both replaceable
and rechargeable and long usage can be expected (up to 12
hours). The loop is contained within the unit hence there are
no trailing wires. The LoopHEARTM will cover an area of
approximately 1m2 /3.3ft2. There is an integral microphone that
picks up speech and conversations. An external microphone
may be added if required (supplied). This induction loop system
is designed to assist hearing aid users by transmitting direct to
their telecoil equipped hearing aid (which must be switched to
the ‘T’ position).
The outer carton has been specially designed as a handy carrying
case. It is recommended to retain this carrying case to enable
safe transportation when transporting the LoopHEARTM.
It is important that you read the instructions below
in order to use your GeemarcTM LoopHEARTM to its
full potential. Keep this user guide in a safe place
for future reference.
We recommend that to preserve the environment,
you switch the button on/off to off after each use. The
RED LED indicator will switch off.