Introduction iii
Introduction iii
format (720 Kb) can be used for MIDI file ex-
changes. WK3 is able to initialize disks for
every format. The Disk Drive features the Slow
and Fast loading options, the former allowing
data to be loaded without blocking the instru-
ment (background loading) while the latter
provides faster loading times. It is possible to
load Styles, Performances, Song/Style and
Songs from WK, WS and CD floppy disks. It
is also possible to load disk-based samples
into the Sample-RAM. MS-DOS compatibili-
ty permits MIDI file exchange with other in-
struments and computers.
• Sampling Inputs (Mic/Line)
With the optional Audio/Video board, it is pos-
sible to connect a microphone or another in-
strument to the audio Mic/Line inputs to sam-
ple the signals and process them with the in-
strument’s on-board Digital Effects processor.
The captured sample can also be edited with
specific Sample Edit parameters. Disk-based
Samples can also be loaded directly to the
Sample-RAM from disk.
• Text view (Karaoke)
The display can show the lyrics of a song.
It is also possible to connect WK3 to a video
system (monitor, domestic TV, closed circuit
video) by means of the optional Generalmusic
Audio/Video board to display lyrics on a televi-
sion. Lyrics can be projected onto a television
or other video device during a performance to
allow others to sing with the player.
• Updateable Operating System (OS) from
floppy disk
Since the operating system resides in flash
ROM, it is possible to load updates from flop-
py disk. Operating system updates can add
new functions to the instrument.
• Audio Inputs (Analog & Digital)
Analog: WK3 is fitted with a set of audio in-
puts suitable for the connection of musical in-
struments, mixer or h-fi outputs. The level of
the input signal can be regulated by an ap-
propriate volume control situated close to the
inputs. The signal can be directed to the out-
puts for further external amplification.
Digital: The optional Audio/Video Interface
renders the Mic/Line input operational, suita-
ble for sampling purposes and processing the
input signals with the instrument’s on-board
Digital Signal Processor.
WK3 has a standard MIDI interface (In, Out,
Thru) offering up to 16 MIDI channels with a
General MIDI compatibility switch, MIDI Fil-
ters and MIDI Dump facilities. The instrument
can act as a Master controlling device, or as
a 16 part multitimbric slave device regardless
of the currently selected playing mode.
• Direct Connection with a computer
WK3 is fitted with The a Computer jack per-
mits the connection of computers not fitted with
a MIDI interface to WK3 via a single serial
format (720 Kb) can be used for MIDI file ex-
changes. WK3 is able to initialize disks for
every format. The Disk Drive features the Slow
and Fast loading options, the former allowing
data to be loaded without blocking the instru-
ment (background loading) while the latter pro-
vides faster loading times. It is possible to
load Styles, Performances, Song/Style and
Songs from WK, WS and CD floppy disks. It
is also possible to load disk-based samples
into the Sample-RAM. MS-DOS compatibili-
ty permits MIDI file exchange with other in-
struments and computers.
• Sampling Inputs (Mic/Line)
With the optional Audio/Video board, it is pos-
sible to connect a microphone or another in-
strument to the audio Mic/Line inputs to sam-
ple the signals and process them with the in-
strument’s on-board Digital Effects processor.
The captured sample can also be edited with
specific Sample Edit parameters. Disk-based
Samples can also be loaded directly to the
Sample-RAM from disk.
• Text view (Karaoke)
The display can show the lyrics of a song.
It is also possible to connect WK3 to a video
system (monitor, domestic TV, closed circuit
video) by means of the optional Generalmusic
Audio/Video board to display lyrics on a televi-
sion. Lyrics can be projected onto a television
or other video device during a performance to
allow others to sing with the player.
• Updateable Operating System (OS) from
floppy disk
Since the operating system resides in flash
ROM, it is possible to load updates from flop-
py disk. Operating system updates can add
new functions to the instrument.
• Audio Inputs (Analog & Digital)
Analog: WK3 is fitted with a set of audio in-
puts suitable for the connection of musical in-
struments, mixer or h-fi outputs. The level of
the input signal can be regulated by an ap-
propriate volume control situated close to the
inputs. The signal can be directed to the out-
puts for further external amplification.
Digital: The optional Audio/Video Interface
renders the Mic/Line input operational, suita-
ble for sampling purposes and processing the
input signals with the instrument’s on-board
Digital Signal Processor.
WK3 has a standard MIDI interface (In, Out,
Thru) offering up to 16 MIDI channels with a
General MIDI compatibility switch, MIDI Fil-
ters and MIDI Dump facilities. The instrument
can act as a Master controlling device, or as
a 16 part multitimbric slave device regardless
of the currently selected playing mode.
• Direct Connection with a computer
WK3 is fitted with The a Computer jack per-
mits the connection of computers not fitted with
a MIDI interface to WK3 via a single serial