Target zone indicator with moveable cursor indicating position in target zone.
With the ONmove 710 model, if you have not chosen a target zone and you use the HR monitor belt, the watch will indicate your effort range depending on
your heart rate:
- Recovery: below 70% of maximum HR,
- Endurance: between 70% and 80% of maximum HR,
- Soft resistance: between 80% and 88% of maximum HR,
- Hard resistance: above 88% of maximum HR.
9�4�2� “My route” display
The “my route” display is only available when a route has been selected at the beginning of the session (chapter 12. How to use guiding).
9�5� Summary of session
Once the session is completed and saved, you will automatically have access to a summary. Scroll down the session information by pressing the OK key.
exit to main
detailed report
At the end of this consultation, you can:
- start a stretching session.
- see a detailed session report, including lap information.
- return to main menu.
10� How to use the training mode
In the training mode, you will nd different menus to meet all your different training needs.
In the training menu, you will nd 4 different types of running training that you can select by using the ▲ and ▼ keys:
- Interval training consisting of 30 seconds of running followed by 30 seconds recovery, repeated 10 times. This is the famous 30/30.
- A training session involving 3 soft resistance repetitions, each lasting 5 minutes, with an equivalent recovery time.
- A full pyramid training with effort phases over 200m, 400m, 600m, 800m, 400m and 200m, alternating with adapted recovery times
between each distance.
- Gradual acceleration training.
For the ONmove 710, the soft resistance and gradual acceleration training sessions are set with HR target zones.
1 series of
The name of the training session and the brief description beneath will help you quickly identify the type of training chosen.
Once you have selected the training, you can start or change the training at will. These training programmes are, therefore, also a good
way of quickly creating a training programme using an existing base.
10�1� Modifying a training programme
training sessions are constructed in two different ways to cover the different possible types of training and to help you quickly devise your own training
- Interval training.
- Pyramid training.
10.1.1. Structure and modication of a interval training programme
10�1�1�1� Structure of a interval training programme
1 series of
In interval training, you simply specify a time or distance for the effort phase (action) and a time or distance for the recovery phase
(recovery). Then you specify the number of repetitions (between 1 and 99 inclusive) and a number of series (between 1 and 6 inclusive).
This format allows you to quickly create training programmes with a repeated action/recovery sequence.
The 30/30 interval and soft resistance training plans are structured in this way.
The rst line of the description indicates the number of series, the second shows the number of repetitions and duration or distance of the action/recovery
phases. In this instance, 1 series of 10 repetitions of 30’’/30’.
You can use the 30/30 interval training, for example, to create an interval training programme with 3 repetitions of 500m/1 min.
10�1�1�2� Modifying a interval training programme
Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to choose the elds or amend the values, use the OK key to conrm and move to the next eld and the key to return to the menu
or a higher level.
Example of how to modify the 30/30 interval training programme to create a programme consisting of 2 series of 5 repetitions of 1km with 2’00’’ recovery
Choose 30/30 interval training, then choose “modify”.
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