When you enter one of the free session, training or challenge modes, the watch will also check that it detects a heart rate.
For your watch to detect your heart rate correctly, the belt must be well positioned and dampened as shown in chapter 4. Installing the heart rate
monitor belt.
The ashing heart indicates that the watch is searching for the heart rate monitor belt.
The lled-in, non-ashing heart icon indicates that the watch has detected the belt.
If the watch has not detected the belt after 15 seconds of searching, you will be asked either:
pair belt
without belt
-to begin another search attempt to locate belt.
to pair your belt (chapter 16.5.1. Pairing the heart rate monitor belt). In order to prevent the watch connecting with another belt, you
must stand at least 20 metres away from other ant+ heart rate monitor belts. This is only necessary during the pairing procedure which
memorises your unique belt identier. You do not need to follow this procedure when searching for your belt at the start of the free,
training and challenge modes. If the watch does not successfully pair with the belt, please refer to chapter 19.2. Detecting cardio belt.
to continue without the belt, if you have forgotten it or don't wish to use it. To prevent the screen from becoming cluttered with useless
information, your product will no longer display any heart rate-related information during this session.
If, when you begin your session, the watch has not detected the belt and you have not been offered the options outlined above, then your watch
will not relay the relevant heart rate information (these gures will be replaced by “--”).
9� How to use in free mode
You are advised to use free mode when using for rst time. This will help you become more familiar with the product and make it easier to
use before moving onto other suggested activities, especially training and challenge.
9�1� Specifying activity options
When entering this mode, the watch will search for satellites and heart rate (ONmove 710 only).
While it is doing this you can check and adjust your activity options.
auto lap
every 1.00 km
150 -160 bpm
The activity options let you set a target zone and automatic lap information.
You can also change activity options during the session (chapter 9.3.4. Pausing or stopping a session).
9�1�1� Target zone
auto lap
150-160 bpm
heart rate
The target zone can be based on:
-Heart rate in beats per minute (BPM) or as a percentage of maximum heart rate (% max HR). (CW 700 GPS only).
- Speed expressed in km/h, minutes/km (’/km) or as a percentage of your Maximum Aerobic Speed (% max) if this has been entered
(chapter 11.3. Maximum aerobic speed).
If you have activated a target zone (example speed between 10 and 12 km/h), the watch will alert you, for a period of 5 seconds, that you have left your
target zone.
A beep will alert you every time you leave your target zone provided that you have activated the pop-up alerts in the settings/personalised interface, beeps menu.
Alert showing you have exceeded your target zone Alert showing you have not reached target zone
slow down
speed up
9�1�2� Lap information
auto lap
every 1.00km
150-160 bpm
auto lap
Lap information can be based on:
-Distance (eg. every km).
-Time (eg. every 5 minutes).
In both cases you can choose a value from the list.
If none of the values suit, select “user” from the list and enter another value using the and keys.
If you have activated automatic lap information, when the setting time or distance has elapsed, the watch will display the lap number, time
or distance covered during the lap and the average speed per lap, for a 5 second period.
A beep will alert you at the start of each lap provided that you have activated the alerts pop up in the settings/personalised interface, beeps
Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.
Art des Missbrauchs:
Um zu sinnvolle Fragen zu kommen halten Sie sich bitte an folgende Spielregeln:
Lesen Sie zuerst die Anleitung;
Schauen Sie nach, ob die Frage bereits gestellt wurde;
Stellen Sie die Frage so deutlich wie nur einigermaßen möglich;
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Da ihre Frage für alle Besucher sichtbar ist, sollten Sie lieber keine persönliche Daten erwähnen.
Neu registrieren
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neue Handbücher vorhanden sind
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