In our example, the time duration, 2’00’’ has been chosen for the recovery phase and the target zone has not been activated.
Once you have specied the settings for recovery, press the
key then the ▼ key to move the cursor to the number of repetitions which
is automatically set to 10 for each training programme.
x 5
You can amend the number of repetitions by pressing OK, then the ▲ and ▼ keys to change the value. In our example, this has been
set to 5.
x 5
Once you have amended the number of repetitions, press OK to conrm then the ▼ key to move the cursor to the number of series (X1)
and press OK.
number of
Change the number of series by pressing the ▲ and ▼ keys.
x 2
number of
The number of series has been set at 2. The icon indicates that the number of series has been doubled.
Press OK to move the cursor to the icon representing the number of series.
cool down
Press the ▼ key to select the icon representing the cool-down phase. In this training programme, the cool-down phase is set at 5’00’’
without a target zone. Press OK to amend this phase. To do this, please refer to the instructions on modifying the warm-up phase as the
method is exactly the same.
save as
Once you have set the cool-down phase, select the symbol and press the OK key to save the training programme.
save as
It is not possible to amend a training programme; you are therefore advised to save it as a new training programme.
new training
main menu
Once the training programme is saved, you can:
- Start your training.
- Return to main menu.
To recover this training programme, start at the main menu, choose activities, training and my training.
interval 1
2 series of
The name of your training programme will automatically appear. It replicates the type of structure used (interval or pyramid) and the number
The description indicates the number of series (2) then the number of repetitions (5) and the duration or distance of the action and recovery
phases (1.00 km/02’00’’).
10.1.2. Structure and modication of a pyramid training programme
10�1�2�1� Structure of a pyramid training programme
In a pyramid training programme, each phase of training is individually dened and constitutes a block. This means that the duration or distance of each
phase can differ from the preceding phase. Furthermore, each block created can be described as an action phase or recovery phase.
You can increase the sequence created by changing the number of series which can range from 1 to 6.
1 serie of:
The complete pyramid and gradual acceleration training programmes are based on this structure.
The rst line describes the number of series and then, the second the duration or distance of action sequences only.
You can use this structure to create any type of training which involves different distances or time intervals during the session.
10�1�2�2� Modifying a pyramid training programme
The principles for modifying a pyramid training programme are the same as for an interval training programme.
Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to select the elds or modify the values, the OK key to conrm and move to the next eld and the key to return to the menu
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