In the case of pyramid training, the description indicates the number of series and the time or distance of the action phases only.
10�3� Consulting a training programme
You consult a training programme in the same way that you amend it (see chapters Modifying a interval training programme ou Modifying
a pyramid training programme).
In the training menu, choose training or my training. You can only consult your training programmes if you have already created one
(chapter 10.2. Creating my own training programme or chapter 10.1. Modifying a training programme).
1 serie of
Choose consulting training programme and press OK.
To consult or modify a training programme, select “modify”.
warm up
Select the training phases (warm-up , series , cool down by positioning cursor over the appropriate symbols, using ▲ and ▼ keys.
Press OK to view details.
x 10
x 1
In the series phase, the number of icons indicates the number of series. After series 3, the screen is no longer able to display all the
icons, but you can view the number of series at the bottom right hand of the screen.
To view details of the action
(effort phase) or the recovery and view, in particular, the settings of the target zones, you must place the cursor over the
time or distance of action or repetition and press OK.
Once you have consulted the programme, press the key as many times as necessary to reach the “save modications?” screen.
Select no and press OK if you have not made any changes or don’t wish to save them.
You will then return to the next screen.
1 serie of
Press the key to exit viewing training programmes.
training programmes can be amended, in which case a new training programme will be created and become available in the “my training”
My training can be amended, in which case you will then have the choice of erasing the original training programme or creating a new
training programme. My training can also be deleted.
10�4� Using a training programme
In the training menu, choose your training program from the training programmes or my training.
1 number of serie
Once you have selected the training programme, press OK.
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