4 – Select the sessions you want to transfer and click on "Send to myGeonaute.com"
5 – You can then view the details of your session on your myGeonaute.com account
19� Troubleshooting
19�1� Abnormal speed and distance
The distance displayed by the watch does not match the known actual distance covered.
It is essential that you wait for the watch to detect the satellite signal before beginning your activity so that the speed and distance can be
calculated from outset of session (section 8.1. searching for a satellite signal).
Bad satellite reception (near a block of ats, or undergrowth) can alter the precision of measurement.
19�2� Detecting HR monitor belt (ONmove 710 only)
HR belt monitor not found:
- Move at least 10 metres away from others who may be using a HR monitor belt.
- Move belt closer to watch
- Correctly position the damp belt (chapter 4. Installing the HR monitor belt).
- Check activation of sensor in watch settings (chapter 16.5.3. Activate HR monitor).
- Restart pairing process: Setting/cardio belt (chapter 16.5.1. Pairing with cardio belt monitor).
- Change the belt battery (chapter 23 Change HR belt battery).
19�3� Abnormal heart rate (ONmove 710 only)
Check that the strap is in place and the sensors have been moistened (Chapter 4. Installing the HR monitor belt).
Environmental interference due to electromagnetic disturbance can temporarily destabilise or cause inaccurate heart rate readings. This is nearly always due
to being in close proximity to high voltage lines, overhead lines, trafc lights, televisions, car engines, some motorised sporting equipment, mobile phones,
computer screens, microwave ovens or when you are going through electrical security gates.
There are other causes for altered heart rate readings:
- Pairing with another user’s belt. Move at least 10 metres away from other runners and restart pairing process (section 16.5.1. Pairing with cardio belt
- Clothes that ap against the belt or are strongly charged with static electricity.
- Excessively hair chest.
- Dirt on the belt.
If heart rate readings are unstable, rst check that none this is not due to any of the above causes.
19�4� Heart rate information display not present or has no values (ONmove 710 only)
- If the heart rate monitor function has been deactivated, the information or parameters linked to this function will no longer be displayed (Chapter 16.5.3. Activate
the heart rate monitor function).
- If the sensor cannot be detected, the watch displays a dotted line where the readings from the sensor should appear (chapter 19.2. Detecting HR
monitor belt).
- If transmission between the belt and the watch is interrupted, the watch will display “000000” for a few seconds.
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