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Rules Reference
x When a player wins an unopposed challenge as
the attacker, that player gains 1 power for his or
her faction card. is occurs during framework
step 4.2.3 (see Appendix I), and is known as an
unopposed bonus.
Used Pile
See “Plot Card” on page 15.
When Revealed
A When Revealed ability contains the boldface “When
Revealed:” precursor. Such an ability must resolve
whenever a plot card bearing it is revealed.
See timing step “1.3 Reveal plots” on page 26.
Winning a Challenge
Each challenge is won by the player who counts the
highest total STR for his or her side when the challenge
result is determined.
x A player's total STR is the sum of the STR of each
participating character on his or her side of the
challenge, along with any other modiers that are
aecting the amount of STR that player counts for
that challenge.
x A player must count at least 1 total STR and there
must be at least 1 participating character on his or
her side in order to win a challenge.
x If the total STR counted on each side is tied at a
value of 1 or greater (and the attacker controls at
least 1 participating character), the attacker wins
the challenge.
x If neither player can meet the requirements of
winning a challenge, neither player wins (or loses)
that challenge.
Related: Challenges Phase, Claim, Unopposed
Winning the Game
e rst player to have 15 (or more) power on cards
he or she controls wins the game. e game ends
immediately if a player meets the victory condition of
having 15 (or more) power.
x If multiple players would reach this victory condition
simultaneously, the rst player determines which of
those players wins the game.
x A player is eliminated from the game when his or
her draw deck has no cards remaining. If all of a
players opponents are eliminated from the game, the
remaining player wins the game. (If all remaining
players would be eliminated simultaneously, the rst
player determines the order in which those players
are eliminated.)
e word “would” is used to dene the triggering
condition of some interrupt abilities, and establishes a
higher priority for those abilities than interrupts to the
same triggering condition that lack the word “would.
All “would be X” interrupts are eligibly to be used
before any “is X” interrupts. is means that an
interrupt with the word “would” (such as “when a
character would be killed”) has timing priority over
an interrupt without the word “would” to the same
occurrence (such as “when a character is killed”).
x If an interrupt to a triggering condition that would
occur changes the nature of that which is about
to occur (such as saving a character that would be
killed), no further interrupts to the original trigger
may be used, as the resolution of that trigger is no
longer imminent.
Related: Cancel, Interrupts, Replacement Eects, Save
The letter “X
Unless specied by a card ability or granted player
choice, the letter X is always equal to 0. For costs
involving the letter X, the value of X is dened by card
ability or player choice, after which the amount paid may
be modied by eects without altering the value of X.
Component List
For reference, the game components included in the
core set are:
x 28 Plot cards
x 20 Stark cards
x 20 Lannister cards
x 20 Baratheon cards
x 20 Greyjoy cards
x 20 Targaryen cards
x 20 Martell cards
x 20 Tyrell cards
x 20 Nights Watch cards
x 31 Neutral cards
x 1 Fealty Agenda card
x 8 Faction/Agenda cards
x 6 Melee title cards
x 30 Gold tokens
x 30 Power counters
x 10 Inuence tokens
x 1 First Player token

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