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When using Ranged attacks, it is necessary to check
whether or not the active Character has a clear Line of
Sight to his target. A Ranged attack has no limitation in
regards to distance, the only requirement for it is that
there be a free Line of Sight (LOS) to the target.
To check the Line of Sight, draw an imaginary line from
the center of the active Character’s Space to the center
of its targets Space. There is free Line of Sight if this line
is not interrupted by any blocking element - a wall, a
closed door or a Blocked Space (see previous page).
The Line of Sight is not blocked if it only skims a block-
ing corner, passing at a 45 degree angle exactly through
the intersection of four Spaces where only one side is
blocked. If both sides of the intersection are blocked,
however, the Line of Sight is blocked.
Finally, the Line of Sight can never cross an area that
is not part of the board. If it ever leaves the tiles, it is
Examples: Zazu intends to use his Slingshot to make a
Ranged attack:
1 - He has LOS to Yohan through the open door, even
though it skims the edge of the opening.
2 - He has LOS to the Goblin through the open doors,
even though it skims the edge of the opening.
3 - He has LOS to the Orc in a straight line across the
empty street. The distance is irrelevant.
Rolling Dice
The Attack dice and the Defense dice are rolled to decide the
effect of the attack. What symbol constitutes a success on a die
roll depends on the type of roll being made:
This symbol scores a successful hit
in a Melee Attack roll.
This symbol scores a successful hit
in a Ranged Attack roll.
This symbol scores a successful
save in a Defense roll.
This symbol is a CRIT, and always counts as
a success, no matter the type of roll.
Besides being a success itself, each CRIT result allows an extra
die to be rolled, adding its result to the total. If that roll also
results in a CRIT, another extra die is rolled, and so on. In some
cases, rolling a CRIT also activates a special effect listed in the
card being used.
Example 1: Grom rolls 3 Attack dice for his Rusty Blade, get-
ting , and . Since its a Melee attack, that scores two
misses and one hit. He rolls an extra die because of the CRIT and
gets a , for a nal result of 2 hits!
Example 2: Zazu rolls 2 Attack dice for his Slingshot, getting
and . Since its a Ranged attack, that scores two hits. He
rolls an extra die because of the CRIT and gets another !
That’s one more hit and another extra die, which rolls a , a
miss, for a total of 3 hits.
Example 3: Wisp is being attacked, he has 2 Defense, but
the Parrying Blade in his inventory gives him +1 Defense (even
though the card is currently exhausted) for a total of 3 Defense.
He rolls 3 Defense dice, getting , and , scoring 2
saves. He rolls an extra die because of the CRIT and gets a ,so
his total is 2 saves.
Attack Results
Once all dice have been rolled, compare the number of hits
scored by the attacker with the number of saves obtained by
the target’s Defense (if he had any). Each save cancels one hit.
If there are still any hits remaining, the target suffers a number
of Wounds equal to the number of exceeding hits. Place that
number of Wound tokens on the targeted Heros card, or in case
of a Monster, next to its gure.
Example: Zazu attacks Wisp, scoring 3 hits, while Wisp gets 2
saves. The attack results in Wisp suffering 1 Wound.
4 - He does not have LOS to Diva cause the line crosses
a wall.
5 - He does not has LOS to Greensleeves because the line
crosses a closed door.
1 - He does not have LOS to the Orc because the two enemy
Heroes are blocking the Space and the line cannot pass
between their Blocked Space and the blocking wall.
2 - He has LOS to the Goblin through the open door. The
Space with Diva and Grom does not block the line
because Grom is an ally, so it is only considered Full to
Zazu, not Blocked.
1 - He has LOS to the Orcs because the central Space is
only Full to Zazu, not Blocked, and the space with just
Greensleves is still considered free.
2 - He does not have LOS to the Hammer Beastman be-
cause the Space with Scarlet and a Goblin is consid-
ered Blocked to Zazu.
Rulebook • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • Rulebook

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