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Now each player looks at the cards they’ve been passed,
selects one to keep, and places it face down on their
clan sheet. en everyone passes their remaining cards
to the le.
Continue picking and passing cards until each player has
placed six new cards on their clan sheet. By that point, ev-
eryone will have two cards le to pass. But instead of pass-
ing them, they must be discarded without showing them.
At the end of this phase, all players should have 6 cards
in their hand, plus any card they might have saved from
a previous Age. Keep these cards secret from the other
players. You will be able to use these cards during the
Action phase.
aCTiOn phase
is is the main part of the game, where invading and pil-
laging takes place, battles are fought, and blood is spilled.
All players begin the Action phase with the amount of
Rage indicated by the Rage stat on their clan sheet. If
this is the rst Age, you’ve already taken care of this by
placing your Clan token at 6 Rage during setup. In sub-
sequent Ages, if you have improved your clans Rage stat,
you will begin the Action phase with more Rage.
Example: e Raven player has improved his Rage stat two
steps during the previous Age, so he begins the next Action
phase with 8 Rage.
e player with the First Player token will go rst, and
play proceeds in clockwise order from there.
On your turn, you must choose a single action to perform.
If that action carries a cost in Rage (it usually does), you
must pay that cost and then take your action. Move the
token on you clan’s Rage Track to indicate how much Rage
you’ve spent. If you do not have enough Rage to fully pay
for a particular action, you cannot take that action.
Once your action is complete, your turn ends. e player
to your le will then take their turn, performing a single
action and paying any Rage cost associated with it. Play-
ers continue taking turns in order.
Draing is a little dierent in a 2-player game.
Players select 2 cards to keep (instead of 1), placing
them face down on their clan sheet, and pass the rest
to their opponent. is is done two more times until
each player has placed 6 cards on their clan sheet.
en the remaining 2 cards are discarded.
Most cards are named aer a specic god, with each
god providing a dierent kind of gi. If you stick most-
ly to cards named aer one or two gods, you should do
well. Heres what you can expect from each god:
Odin: Judgment and punishment in and out of battle.
or: Glory and spoils for victory in battle.
Loki: Revenge or spoils for defeat in battle.
Frigga: Resources and support.
Heimdall: Foresight and surprises.
Tyr: Great numbers for winning battles.
You generally should strive for a relative balance of
card types. Ignoring a card type completely (such as
Quests, Upgrades, or Battle Cards) won’t make you
automatically lose, but it may cost you!
13The phases Of plaY

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