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Take a Quest card from your hand and commit to it by
placing it face down on your clan sheet, on top of your
clan’s animal symbol. It costs no Rage to commit to a
Quest. ere is no limit to the number of Quests you can
commit to during each Age, and you may commit to two
Quests of the same type (each giving its reward inde-
pendently). You may inspect your own Quests at any time.
During this Action phase, you should try to fulll the
demands of the Quests you commit to, reaping the re-
wards listed on them during the next Quest phase (see
page 20). However, there’s no penalty for failing a Quest.
Note: Even though it costs no Rage to commit to a Quest,
remember that you cannot take any actions if you’re
down to zero Rage; not even a free one.
Example: e Bear player commits to the Jotunheim! Quest.
If during the next Quest phase he has the most STR in any of
the Jotunheim provinces, he’ll gain 7 Glory and raise one of his
clan stats 1 step.
If you successfully Pillage a province, you will gain a re-
ward, either by improving one of your clan stats, or by
gaining more glory. But rst you will need to defeat in
battle any other clans occupying that province.
To Pillage, choose a province that has at least one of
your gures in it (or in a supporting ord) and has not
yet been successfully pillaged this phase (its Pillage to-
ken is showing the reward side up). It costs no Rage to
Pillage, but remember that you can’t take any action if
you’re down to zero Rage. A Pillaging action is resolved
by following 3 steps in order:
Once you have declared your intent to Pillage that prov-
ince, the other players have a chance to join the battle.
Starting with the player to your le and going around in
clockwise order, each player (including you) may, if they
wish, move one of their gures from an adjacent province
into an empty village in the province you are pillaging.
Moving a gure in this way does not cost Rage, and even
players with zero Rage can do it. (Note that Ships cannot
be moved.) Once all villages in that province are occupied,
or when no one else wishes to join in, the battle begins.
Note: ere are no villages in Yggdrasil, so any number of
gures can join a battle there.
If at this point there are no enemy gures in the province
or its supporting ord, no battle takes place and you au-
tomatically Pillage the province, gaining its reward (see
next page) and ipping its Pillage token to its “pillaged
side. Note that in this case you don’t gain any Glory for
winning battles.
Otherwise, a battle will take place, and all gures in the
province being pillaged, or its supporting ord, must
participate in it.
1. Call to Battle: Players may move adjacent gures
to join the battle.
2. Play Cards: Players in the battle reveal cards to
add STR and/or special eects.
3. Resolution: Highest STR determines the winner.
Losers are destroyed, winner gets rewards.
17The phases Of plaY

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