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Each page of the Adventure Book will give players some instructions
on how to set it up. Below are some general instructions on how to
read a game map and how to generate an encounter.
1. Avatar Start Space: Avatar standees come into play anywhere
on this space.
2. Enemy Start Space: When encountering hostiles or I.D. entities,
their standees come into play anywhere on this space.
3. Search Spot: See the Search Spot section below for details.
4. Point of Interest: See the Point of Interest section below for
5. Colored Lines: To move across a solid colored line, a player must
use a die matching the color of the line to move her avatar.
6. Insight Spot: See the Insight Spot section below for details.
7. Rabbit Hole: When the translucent blue inner child die is drawn
from the dice bag, the inner child standee is placed on this
symbol. When a player’s avatar moves onto a space with the
inner child, go to the page’s entry.
8. Objective: See the Objective section below for details.
Search Spot
Spaces containing a symbol will have 1 or more tokens placed in
them as instructed by the page’s setup section. When a player’s avatar
is in a space with a token, she may search (see the Search section
on page 8) with that avatar to gain any 1 specific item listed on the
matching entry. Upon successfully searching, discard 1 token
from the space.
Point of Interest ,
Insight Spot and Objective
The Adventure Book will instruct players when to put a token on an
insight spot or a token on an objective. symbols are points of
interest that can be explored, tokens oer opportunities to interact
with the world, and tokens represent objectives to achieve. On a
player’s turn, when her avatar is on an space or a space with a
or token, pause that player’s turn and read the page’s matching
, or entry. Then, unless directed otherwise, resume play.
Most symbols can only be explored once. symbols that
include a symbol can be explored multiple times.
Leaving a Page
If the Adventure Book directs you to leave a page or turn to a new
page, unless stated otherwise, finish the current player’s turn
before leaving, including Check Threat. When leaving a page,
remove any remaining tokens and enemy standees on that page
from play and move all avatar standees (including those in the
Morass) to their cards.
Generating an Encounter
When players encounter enemies, collect the hostile and/or I.D.
Entity cards indicated and their matching standees. Place the
collected standees on the space. Shue the collected cards and
deal them face up to the enemy slots along the sideboard. If there
are multiple spaces, divide the enemies up among those spaces as
evenly as possible. If there are already cards in the slots, add the new
cards to any empty slots. Flip the situation token to “hostile.”
Encountering an I.D. Entity
When the Adventure Book directs players to encounter an I.D. Entity
it will sometimes provide a 7-digit I.D. identification code. Look for
the correct I.D. Entity card to put into play by matching this code to
one of the cards in the I.D. Stack. If no match is found, the players will
encounter the Prime I.D. Entity! Take the Prime I.D. Entity (under the
clue cards) and put it into play.
Encountering the Prime I.D. Entity
When adding the Prime I.D. Entity to play, place a number of
tokens on its card equal to the number of players. When the Prime
I.D. would be defeated, instead remove 1 token from its card.
When it has no on its card, it is then defeated and removed from
play. Note: Do not place tokens on an I.D. that isn’t the Prime I.D.
If the players defeat the Prime I.D. Entity, they win the game.
On a player’s turn, she does the following steps in order:
1. Draw Dice
2. Gain Clarity
3. Place Threat
4. Place Inner Child
5. Perform Actions
Skill Test
Group Task
Attack (red or green)
Search (yellow)
6. Discard Dice
7. Check Threat

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