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SSPPEECCIIAALL AAbbiilliittiieess
After attacking with the accuracy ability, add 1 to the range for
each accuracy icon (e.g., a roll that shows a range of 3 would be
increased to 5 if the invader/weapon has two accuracy icons).
Attacks with the aimed ability are aimed attacks as per the
aim marine order (see Marine Orders, pg. 9).
Attacks with the blast ability affect an area within X spaces of the
target space, where X is equal to the number of blast icons of the
weapon. Blast areas cannot pass through walls, closed doors, or block-
ing obstacles. The blast attack deals its full damage to each figure
affected by it. If a blast attack is dodged by more than one figure, only
one re-roll may be made (the first dodging player to the attacking play-
ers left decides which dice (if any) are to be re-rolled). Finally, if a
blast attack misses, it can scatter (see Scatter, pg. 11).
Attacks with the blow-through ability can be “walked” into
multiple spaces, one after the other. After the initial attack on the target
space is made (regardless of whether it hits or not), the attacker may
roll another attack against a space adjacent to the target space by
removing either 1 green or 1 blue die from the attack. For example, if
a blow-through attack rolls 1 yellow and 1 green die for the first attack,
the attacker could immediately attack a space adjacent to the first tar-
geted square, but the second attack would only roll 1 yellow die.
The attacker may continue “walking” his attack as long as he drops 1
green or blue die for each attack made. The attacker cannot make mul-
tiple blow-through attacks against the same target during one attack.
After rolling for an attack with the deadly ability, add +1 to the
damage of the attack for each deadly icon (e.g., a damage roll of 3
would be increased to 5 for an attack with two deadly icons).
After inflicting at least 1 damage to a figure with a knock-
back attack (and after applying any wounds), the attacker
may immediately move each affected target figure up to 3 spaces
away from its current location. The figures must be moved to empty
spaces, although these spaces may contain damaging obstacles or
other non-blocking tokens, such as equipment. This “knock back”
movement is not blocked by any intervening figures or obstacles
(though it cannot be moved through a closed door or wall).
Invaders with the scuttle ability can move between ducts as
if the ducts were adjacent to each other. Scuttling invaders cannot
move to a duct space occupied by a marine figure, or one that is not
yet revealed.
Seeking attacks do not need line of sight to the target square.
They still cannot pass through a closed door (or wall), but they can
pass through blocking obstacles. The maximum range of a seeking
attack is 8 spaces.
Sweep attacks affect all enemy figures adjacent to the
attacker. The sweep attack deals its full damage to each figure affect-
ed by it. If a sweep attack is dodged by more than one figure, only one
re-roll may be made (the first dodging player to the attacking players
left decides which dice (if any) are to be re-rolled).
Figures with the watchful ability may immediately take one
free attack against any enemy figure that moves into an adjacent space.
This attack takes place before the moving figure may take any other
action. There is no limit to the number of free attacks a watchful invad-
er can make in this manner. If the same figure makes more than one
move into spaces that are adjacent to the watchful creature, the creature
may make one free attack for every such move.
RRoouunndd SSeeqquueennccee
Turn 1: First Marine Player’s Turn
Turn 2: Second Marine Player’s Turn
Turn 3: Third Marine Player’s Turn
Turn 4: Invader Player’s Turn
MMaarriinnee PPllaayyeerrss TTuurrnn
The marine player must first choose between one of the four actions
below. A marine player cannot do anything until he has first
declared which of the four actions he will be taking. After the marine
has resolved his entire action, his turn is over and play passes to the left.
Action Movement Attacks Special
Sprint 8 0 None
Unload 0 2 None
Advance 4 1 None
Ready 4 or 1 Place Order
MMoovveemmeenntt AAccttiioonn CCoossttss
Used Task
0 Pick up a token in your space*
1 Move from one teleporter to another *
1 Move from one duct to another **
1 Give 1 weapon or ammo token to adjacent marine*
2 Open or close normal door
2 Open or close security door***
Can be performed even with no movement
* Marine players only
** Invader figures with the scuttle ability only
*** Marine only, and only when unlocked
MMaarriinnee OOrrddeerrss
A marine may discard his aim order to announce that one of
his attacks is an aimed attack. After rolling for the attack, he
may then re-roll some or all of the dice. He must keep the
second result. This order is also discarded immediately if the
marine moves, or if he receives a wound.
When attacked, a marine who has placed the dodge order
may force some or all of the attacking dice to be re-rolled.
He must accept the second result. This order is discarded at
the start of the marine’s next turn.
A marine may discard this placed order to make one
interrupt attack at any time during the invader players
turn. This order is also discarded if the marine takes a
wound, or at the start of his next turn.
A medic may discard this order to
heal 1 wound to himself or to a marine in an adjacent
space. This order is also discarded at the start of the
marine’s next turn.
The marine throws a grenade
around the corner at the
zombie. The range is 4
First Attack
BBllooww--TThhrroouugghh EExxaammppllee
KKnnoocckkbbaacckk EExxaammppllee
SSeeeekkiinngg EExxaammppllee
Second Attack
After successfully
attacking the marine,
the hell knight knocks
him 3 spaces onto a
damaging obstacle. The
marine loses 1 wound
from landing there (in
addition to any wounds
incurred in the attack).
After attacking the adjacent zombie with his chain
gun weapon, the marine can drop two green dice (one
for each space) to attack the other zombie.
BBllaasstt EExxaammppllee
Blasts can be blocked by walls and obstacles.

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