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For example, if you occupy 2 Small Folk Regions,
you can collect 2 more Resource Cards if you have
at least 2 Command Cards to the left of your Plunder
Command when it is played.
Even if you play the Plunder Command with several cards
to the left of it, you only get to draw extra Resource Cards
if you occupy Small Folk Regions (1 extra Resource Card
for each occupied Small Folk Region). But to benet from
occupying Small Folk Regions, you must play the Plunder
Command after you have played other Command Cards.
Note: The Storm Giants have the “Negotiate”
Command, which serves the same purpose as the
Plunder Command.
Resource Cards can be used for many dierent purposes
as listed on their individual cards. After using a Resource
Cards text, discard the Resource Card face up into the
Resource Discard Pile.
Trade Command
The Trade Command allows you
to trade your Resource Cards
with adjacent giants or with the
Resource Deck. You may trade 1
card + 1 additional card for each
Command Card to the left of
your Trade Command. You may
only make one total trade (large
or small) during your turn, and
the trade happens all at once, no
matter how many cards you are
trading. You do not trade cards
individually one at a time.
If another giant army is adjacent to one of your armies, you
may force a trade with that army. You essentially give the
opponent a certain number of Resource Cards (up to the limit
prescribed by your Trade Command), and they
you the same number of Resource Cards back, if possible.
The opponent chooses which of their Resource Cards to give
you in return, but they must choose from among the Resource
Cards they owned at the start of your turn.
When forcing a trade, you can give the opponent a
maximum number of Resource Cards equal to the number
of Resource Cards owned by the opponent. If you trade
enough Resource Cards to equal your opponent’s total
number of Resource Cards, then they are obliged to give
you all of their original Resource Cards in exchange.
For example, you are next to the re giants who possess
a Journey Rune (green), a Blood Rune (red), and 2 Food.
You desperately need one of those Runes, so you trade
the re giants all 3 of your Resource Cards. The re
giants choose which 3 Resource Cards to give you in
return. Since the re giants only have 4 Resource Cards,
they will be obliged to provide you with at least 1 Rune.
your 3 hill giants. You only need to pay this penalty one
time this turn, even though you are moving 3 hill giants
through Delimbiyr Vale this turn. If you move units
through 2 dierent enemy regions during the same
turn, you must pay the penalty one time for
region that your units are passing through.
To wound a healthy unit, you simply ip the unit over to
its wounded side. If you wound an already wounded unit,
it is defeated and removed from the board (and the enemy
receives Ordning Points equal to the unit’s Ordning Value,
as normal). Note that since Champion Figures cannot
become wounded, they cannot be used to pay this penalty.
A single Champion passing through an enemy region
without any companions must pay one Resource Card or
be unable to pass through the region.
For most of the game, your giants also cannot end their
movement in an enemy’s Starting Region, even if it is
empty. However, you may pass through an enemy’s Starting
Region to the other side using the normal movement
rules outlined above. If your enemy has no units in their
Starting Region, your giants may pass through to the
other side without paying a Resource Card or sustaining a
wound. Once the rst OP Pool has been depleted, the Final
Ordning begins and your giants are allowed to end their
movement in an enemy’s Starting Region if there are no
units there to defend it.
Stacking limit: Each giant race has a stacking limit that
limits the number of giant units that the race can have in a
single region at the same time. The stacking limits for each
giant race are listed on the game board. Note that Leader
Tokens and Champion Figures are considered units, so
their presence aects the stacking limit. Also, you may
never have more than 1 of your Champion Figures in the
same region as your other Champion Figure. It is okay,
however, to move one of your Champions
other Champions region.
If you ever desire to move a unit into a region where there
is no room, then you may do so if you rst remove one of
your other giants from the destination region and return
it to your supply. You may do this freely as long as you are
only doing so to make room for incoming units.
Plunder Command / Negotiate Command
The “Plunder” Command allows you to pillage the nearby
small folk to draw Resource
Cards from the top of the
Resource Deck and place them
face up in your Resource Area.
You initially draw 2 Resource
Cards. Afterwards, for every
Command Card to the left of the
Plunder Command, you may
draw 1 Resource Card from
a Small Folk Region that you
occupy (maximum of 1 extra
Resource per region).

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