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AOMs (Automated Operang Machines) give you addional pawns
you can use in your acons. These pawns are color-coded and can
only be used for their specic acons.
They can be used to assist other pawns or to take an acon on their own. Whenever an
AOM is used, the player who uses it takes its card to indicate they are the operator.
If necessary, the operator rolls the dice for their AOM and resolves the results.
You can combine an AOM and a rover to assist you in one acon.
IMPORTANT: If an acon has no type (for example, has the icon only), you can use
AOMs for that acon, too.
You have two rovers at your disposal to aid you in your acons. They do not perform any
acons on their own — at least one pawn is needed to operate each of them (whether it’s an
AOM pawn or an astronaut pawn). When a rover assists you in acon, take its miniature and
place it together with the pawns declared for that acon. You cannot combine both rovers
when performing a single acon.
You may use a rover with mulple pawns. There is no limit to how many pawns you can send
with a rover, but only the pawn on the top of the stack resolves the consequences of the
acon; the other ones are only assisng.
. You can treat Froggy as 2  pawns during an Explore acon.
These two pawns cannot be split up between dierent exploraons.
. Scorpio gives you 1 addional pawn for an Explore/Gather/
Research/Build acon of your choice, as long as this acon is taken outside
the HUB (you can’t drive your rover inside the Facilies!).
Aer resolving an acon in which a rover was assisng, place its miniature back in the Depot.
When a rover has a Blocked token on it, it cannot be used unl repaired (p.17).
A rover can have more than 1 Blocked token in its area — you need separate Build
acons to discard each of them.
If your acon requires anything else, you
must have that extra item available when you
declare that acon:
If you need a spare part, place it together
with the pawns. If the acon is successful,
discard that spare part. If the acon is
unsuccessful, put that part back where it
came from.
If you need to use reserves from the
general supply, adjust the trackers
when you declare that acon. These
supplies are spent whether the acon
is successful or not.
Placing the pawns
Acon pawns of one or more players may be used when planning
an acon, in which case these pawns are stacked. The pawn on
the top of the stack indicates who is taking the acon (gaining
the benets, suering the consequences, etc.); the others are
only assisng.
The pictures below show some examples of attempting the
Build action.
This is one acon and no dice are
rolled. The red pawn is taking the acon
(resolving its eects), the yellow pawn
is only assisng.
These are two separate acons; roll dice
for each aempt. Whether the acon is
successful or not depends on the roll.
This is the same acon taken twice. The
yellow player is automacally successful.
The red player needs to roll the dice to
determine the outcome.
 Each stack of pawns is a separate acon!
In First Marans: Adventures on the Red Planet, you will declare many
dierent acons and somemes it may be dicult to remember which
pawns were assigned to which acons. Therefore, place your pawns
where it reminds you what acon you are taking.
For example:
When you take a mission-specic special Research acon, place
your pawns and any addional resources on the mission sheet
(instead of on the Lab — the normal place for Research acons).
When you take the Gather acon to pick up a sample outside
the HUB, place your pawns on the ROI you want to gather from
(instead of the Probe Bay — the normal place for Gather acons)
and put the sample you want to gather on top of your pawns.
When you repair a broken part of a Facility, place your pawns
next to the status marker you wish to replace (instead of on
the Working Bay — the normal place for Build acons).
No maer where the pawns are, always remember that
the acons are resolved in a xed order (1-9 on p. 11): If you placed
your pawns on the Med Lab to repair one of its broken parts through
the Build acon, you do not resolve this acon in the “Med Lab” step,
but in the “Working Bay” step.

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