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ProDuction MoDifiers
Protest: A district in protest can still produce
Strike: A district in strike cannot produce any
Outage: A district in outage cannot produce any
Development: e value of the primary resource
in the district is increased by one.
Orgcrime Unit: A district that has an orgcrime
unit cannot produce its primary resource.
Human First Unit: When a district that has a
Human First unit is exploited, increase unrest by
two stages instead of one. If it cannot increase by
two stages, place an outage token in the district.
threat increases when:
An action card is resolved and involves at least one district
containing an illness token (+2 threat).
An enemy unit, illness token, or outage token moves into
e Root” and is returned to the reserve (+2 threat).
Demand is not met during a demand round (+5–7 threat).
Quick reference
Players should keep this quick reference at hand for easy
reference during gameplay.
stanDarD rounD
1. Action Phase: e active player takes a turn by resolving the
following steps:
a. Refresh: e active player readies his exhausted cards and
draws the action cards indicated on his corp sheet.
b. Resolve Deal: Resolve a deal (see Steps of a Deal below).
c. End of Turn: e active player can resolve his “End of
Turn” abilities. en, he passes the active player token to the
player to his le. e new active player repeats these steps
unless there are no asset cards remaining on the turn track.
2. Production Phase: Each district with an android token is
exploited (produces resources and increases unrest).
3. Event Phase: Draw an event card and resolve it from top to
bottom (including resetting the turn track).
stePs of a DeaL
1. Asset: Reveal the rightmost asset card on the turn track and
place it in the “Revealed Asset” box.
2. Main Oer: e active player proposes a main oer.
3. Counteroer: In clockwise order, each player can propose a
4. Support: In clockwise order, each supporting player can
play cards in support.
5. Resolution: e player with the most support resolves
his oer and claims the revealed asset card. If they tie in
support, the active player wins the deal.
DeManD rounD
1. Score Investment: Each player resolves his investment card.
2. Pay Demand: If any resources in the supply do not meet
demand, increase threat by the amount indicated on the
demand card.
3. Reveal Demand: Reset the supply. Draw one demand card
and set target tokens.
4. Choose Investment: Each player draws two investment
cards and keeps one.

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Missbrauch melden von Frage und/oder Antwort

Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.

Art des Missbrauchs:

Zum Beispiel antisemitische Inhalte, rassistische Inhalte oder Material, das zu einer Gewalttat führen könnte.

Beispielsweise eine Kreditkartennummer, persönliche Identifikationsnummer oder unveröffentlichte Privatadresse. Beachten Sie, dass E-Mail-Adressen und der vollständige Name nicht als private Informationen angesehen werden.


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