The information in this manual has been verified for its accuracy . But no liabi lity will be
applied for the correctne ss of mapping data of navi gation, techni
interpretation or illust ration, or the prin ting and tran slation of this manual, nor liable for Any
consequence or incident al damages caused by using this manual .
This device is a co mplicated technical produ ct consistin g of OS and thir
manufacturer has paid su fficient attention to and ful fill its duty in its hardw are manufacture
processing and in dev elopment and/or appli cation o f the software so as to e nsure the
device work properly . If there is any mal function or
will provi de a warranty for the congenital quality problem, but not covering for any loss or
damage of property , or any consequence caused by or related to using thi s device.
The navigation softw are and mapping da
protected by law s. A User can only use on this dev ice, any copying or appli cation of the
software for other pu rpose is not allow ed.
The copyright of this manual is ow ned by the company and protected by law
translation of w hole or part of its conten t, including w ords, figures, signs, p honetic index, etc. ,
is only allow ed for the individu al customer's reference, but no t for public ci rculation, or other
legal and/or commerci al purpose. The compan
this manual.
General tips for GPS application
The followi ng content is tips for GPS dev ice application and o peration. Ple ase read it befo re
starting use of the GPS dev ice, so that you may make a bet ter use
W hile the GPS devi ce is working, it recei ves signal from satellites for positi oning. The signal
from satellite may not be received, or be w eakened in room, nearby some bi g buildings, or
under overhead bridges.
W he n the GPS devi ce is r
eceivin g satellite signals, you w ill get signals from different
satellites when y ou are in di fferent places, this is cal led "Satellite Path", a "Satel lite Path"
only cov ers a range of 300 KM . If a "Satellite Path" is defined at place A, t hen turn off the
evice and move to another place beyond 300 KM away from A, the devi ce is under another
"Satellite Path", At this moment, the devi ce needs to search for satellite signa l again. To track
the new "Satellite Pa th", this wil l take quite a long time. To save tim
may click "GPS Rese t" button in menu of "GPS Testing" to clear the previ ous “Satellite Path".
It will be di fficult and taking more time to catch posi tioning signal from sate llite during high
speed driving. It is su ggested to sear
better and safer effect .
W hile cha rging the dev ice, please only use the trav el charger or car charg er equipped by the
manufacturer in its ori ginal package. Other chargers may cause damage to this devi
this damage is not covered by our warran ty.
The information in this manual has been verified for its accuracy . But no liabi lity will be
applied for the correctne ss of mapping data of navi gation, techni
interpretation or illust ration, or the prin ting and tran slation of this manual, nor liable for Any
consequence or incident al damages caused by using this manual .
This device is a co mplicated technical produ ct consistin g of OS and thir
manufacturer has paid su fficient attention to and ful fill its duty in its hardw are manufacture
processing and in dev elopment and/or appli cation o f the software so as to e nsure the
device work properly . If there is any mal function or
defective o f the device, the manufacturer
will provi de a warranty for the congenital quality problem, but not covering for any loss or
damage of property , or any consequence caused by or related to using thi s device.
The navigation softw are and mapping da
ta is provi ded by a third party. Its copy right is
protected by law s. A User can only use on this dev ice, any copying or appli cation of the
software for other pu rpose is not allow ed.
The copyright of this manual is ow ned by the company and protected by law
translation of w hole or part of its conten t, including w ords, figures, signs, p honetic index, etc. ,
is only allow ed for the individu al customer's reference, but no t for public ci rculation, or other
legal and/or commerci al purpose. The compan
y reserves the right for final interp retation of
General tips for GPS application
The followi ng content is tips for GPS dev ice application and o peration. Ple ase read it befo re
starting use of the GPS dev ice, so that you may make a bet ter use
W hile the GPS devi ce is working, it recei ves signal from satellites for positi oning. The signal
from satellite may not be received, or be w eakened in room, nearby some bi g buildings, or
eceivin g satellite signals, you w ill get signals from different
satellites when y ou are in di fferent places, this is cal led "Satellite Path", a "Satel lite Path"
only cov ers a range of 300 KM . If a "Satellite Path" is defined at place A, t hen turn off the
evice and move to another place beyond 300 KM away from A, the devi ce is under another
"Satellite Path", At this moment, the devi ce needs to search for satellite signa l again. To track
the new "Satellite Pa th", this wil l take quite a long time. To save tim
e for this search ing, you
may click "GPS Rese t" button in menu of "GPS Testing" to clear the previ ous “Satellite Path".
It will be di fficult and taking more time to catch posi tioning signal from sate llite during high
speed driving. It is su ggested to sear
ch the positio ning signal by s topping your car for a
W hile cha rging the dev ice, please only use the trav el charger or car charg er equipped by the
manufacturer in its ori ginal package. Other chargers may cause damage to this devi
this damage is not covered by our warran ty.
The information in this manual has been verified for its accuracy . But no liabi lity will be
interpretation or illust ration, or the prin ting and tran slation of this manual, nor liable for Any
manufacturer has paid su fficient attention to and ful fill its duty in its hardw are manufacture
processing and in dev elopment and/or appli cation o f the software so as to e nsure the
defective o f the device, the manufacturer
will provi de a warranty for the congenital quality problem, but not covering for any loss or
damage of property , or any consequence caused by or related to using thi s device.
ta is provi ded by a third party. Its copy right is
protected by law s. A User can only use on this dev ice, any copying or appli cation of the
The copyright of this manual is ow ned by the company and protected by law
s. Any copy or
translation of w hole or part of its conten t, including w ords, figures, signs, p honetic index, etc. ,
is only allow ed for the individu al customer's reference, but no t for public ci rculation, or other
y reserves the right for final interp retation of
The followi ng content is tips for GPS dev ice application and o peration. Ple ase read it befo re
W hile the GPS devi ce is working, it recei ves signal from satellites for positi oning. The signal
from satellite may not be received, or be w eakened in room, nearby some bi g buildings, or
eceivin g satellite signals, you w ill get signals from different
satellites when y ou are in di fferent places, this is cal led "Satellite Path", a "Satel lite Path"
only cov ers a range of 300 KM . If a "Satellite Path" is defined at place A, t hen turn off the
evice and move to another place beyond 300 KM away from A, the devi ce is under another
"Satellite Path", At this moment, the devi ce needs to search for satellite signa l again. To track
e for this search ing, you
may click "GPS Rese t" button in menu of "GPS Testing" to clear the previ ous “Satellite Path".
It will be di fficult and taking more time to catch posi tioning signal from sate llite during high
ch the positio ning signal by s topping your car for a
W hile cha rging the dev ice, please only use the trav el charger or car charg er equipped by the
manufacturer in its ori ginal package. Other chargers may cause damage to this devi
ce, and