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Positioning the Appliance
How to Drain Excess Water From Hoses
If the s ink is 1000 h igh er from t he floor, t he exces s wa ter i n ho ses cann ot b e dr ai ned di rectl y
into the sink. It will b enecessary to d rain exc ess water from hoses into a bowl or suitable
conta iner th at i s hel d outside and lo wer t han the sink.
Water Outlet
Connectthe water drain hose.Thedrain hose must becorrectly fitted to avoid waterleaks.
En sure that th e wat er in let h ose is n ot ki nked or s quashed .
The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher.
Syphon Connection
The content of this manual is very helpful to the users.
After installation, please make sure to keep this manual.
Extension Hose
If y ou n eed a dr ain h ose ext ensi on, m ake sur e to use a simi lar dra in ho se.
It m ust be n o lon ge r than 4 m etre s; o therwise the cleanin g eff ect o f the di shwashe r cou ld b e re duc ed.
1 The dishwasher is level and fixed properly
2 The inlet valve is open
3 There is a leakage at the connections of the conducts
4 The wires are tightly connected
5 The power is switched on
6 The inlet and drain hoses are knotted
7 All packing materials and printings should be taken out from the dishwasher
Positi on the ap pliance in the desi red loca tio n. The bac k sh ou ld rest ag ain st th e wal l behind i t, a nd the si des,
along t he adjacent c abin ets o r wa ll s. The dis hwas her i s eq ui pped w ith wate r suppl y and drain h oses th at can
be positioned ei ther to the right or the left sides to facilitate p ro per installation.
The was te c onn ecti on m ust be a t a heigh t of betw een 40 c m (minimum ) an d 1 00 cm (ma xim um)
from thebottom of the dish. The water drain hose should be fixed by a hose clip.The free end of
the hos e m ust n ot b e im mer sed i n wa ter.
A hose that attaches to a sink spray can burst if it is installed on the same water line as the dishwasher. If your sink has one, it is
recommended thet the hose be disconnected and the hole plugged.
The safety supply hose consists of the double walls. The hose's system guarantees its intervention by blocking the flow of water
in case of the supply hose breaking and when the air space between the supply hose itself and the outer corrugated hose is full
of water.
Turn off the water.
Release the water pressure by depressing the pressure release button. This relieves water pressure and protects you, and the
room, from severe splashing.
Unscrew The safety supply hose from the faucet..
Connect the cold water supply hose to a threaded 3/4(inch) connector and make sure that it is fastened tightly in place.
If the water pipes are new or have not been used for an extended period of time, let the water run to make sure that the
water is clear and free of impurities. If this precaution is not taken, there is a risk that the water inlet can get blocked and
damage the appliance.

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