General Permissions
Transmitter and Receiver for the 27 an d 40 MHz bands are registered an d can be used without charge.
100 Supplement
1. Establishing a nd operating r adio communic ation systems
for remote control flight , ships a nd other vehi cle models for s port
purposes with a Feder al Post Office permi ssion character and th e
additional mar king "MF" or a F ederal Post O ffice certification
number (FTZ-Ser ies test number) of the identificati on letter row
"MF..." is hereby generally approved on 2 7.6.1966 due to § § the
1 and 2 of the law over telecommun ication installations in the
version of the procl amation on 17.3.19 77, changed by the law , for
the area of application o f this law.
2. For this permission, following conditio ns apply :
a) the r adi o communicati on systems for the remote control of
models must carry a Federal Post Office permission
character valid a nd intended for this device ty pe and the
additional "MF" mar king or a Federal Post Office
certification number (FTZ-Series test numb er) for the
identification letter r ow "MF..." and
b) may only be equip ped for those following specified
(Frequency “First Choice”)
13.560 MHz 40.665 M Hz
26.995 MHz 40.675 M Hz
27.045 MHz 40.685 M Hz
27.095 MHz 40.695 M Hz
27.145 MHz
27.195 MHz
27.255 MHz
(Frequency “Secon d C hoice”)
27.005 MHz 40.715 M Hz 1)
27.015 MHz 40.725 M Hz
27.025 MHz 40.735 M Hz
27.035 MHz 40.765 M Hz
27.055 MHz 40.775 M Hz
27.065 MHz 40.785 M Hz
27.075 MHz 40.815 M Hz
27.085 MHz 40.825 M Hz
27.105 MHz 40.835 M Hz
27.115 MHz 40.865 M Hz
27.125 MHz 40.875 M Hz
27.135 MHz 40.885 M Hz
40.915 MHz
40.925 MHz
40.935 MHz
40.965 MHz
40.975 MHz
40.985 MHz 1)
c) Other telecommunicati on installations, w hich serve publi c
purposes, and r adio communica tion systems, those on
frequencies outside of the freq uency ranges
13.553 – 13.567 M Hz
26.957 – 27.283 M Hz
40.66 – 41.00 M Hz
Maybe operated but not distributed .
d) Radio communicati on systems for t he remote control of
models may not be chang ed electrically and/or
1) The frequencies be tween 40,700 MHz and 41,000 MHz may not be
used for flight m odels.
e) Connecting of a radi o communication sy stem for the r emote
control of models wi th other telecommuni cation installations
is inadmissible.
3. Pertin ent traffic instr uctions, liability instructions and-
accident prev ention instructions for remote-contr olled model s
remain uncha nged.
4. Terms of the per mission. This "gener al permissi on" is given
under the follow ing terms, the com ponent of permissio n are:
a) T he aforeme ntioned operating frequencies are for the joint
use of high frequenc y devices and radio communi cation
systems of differ ent kinds! The ow ner of a radio
communication sy stem and the owner of permission do n ot
therefore enjoy , for its radio c ommunication system for the
remote control of models, a ny protection fr om disturbances
by high frequency devices, by other radi o communication
systems, which ar e operated in th e frequency rang es
mentioned, or by other radio communication systems, which
are duly oper ated.
b) Al l parts of the radio communi cation system are to be ke pt
in the correct work ing condition. Failure s are to be
eliminated i mmediately.
c) For the examin ation of the equip ment, which is contain ed
within this permission, for the use to be held ready or
operated, the owner and ow ner of this permission have
approved the Feder al Post Office to enter properties and /or
areas, on and/or in whi ch radio communicati on systems for
the remote contr ol of models ar e, to permit at the normal
business hours or to obtain thi s power. The nomi nated
officer of the Federa l Post Office thereby can request
information to be g iven about thes e equipmen ts.
d) Nominees of the Fe deral Post Office and Pol ice can
demand an inspection of the radio communication sy stems,
falling under this general per mission, be permitted
e) The owner of such a radio c ommunication sy stem and
owner of this permission are oblig ated to follow each
change or additi on of permissio n immediately and to bear
any necessary costs.
f) The Request of the Feder al Post Office to cease use of a
set of radio communication system for the remote co ntrol of
models must b e follow ed by the owner and owner of this
permission wi thout delay. If it req uires, the Fed eral Post
Office, can remov e the radio c ommunication sy stem, or
parts from it is , to be kept un der closer superv ision during
the suspension o f service arranged .
g) If this permission expires, then t he arrangement ov er the
removal of th e radio commu nication system of the Federal
Post Office is to be obey ed.
5. T his "gen eral permission" ca n be rescinded altog ether or,
for individual r adio communication sy stems for the remote control
of models, als o for an indiv idual user by the responsi ble local
regional director ate.
A revocation is per missible in particul ar if the ter ms of the
permission are not kept. Instead of reca lling a permission, the
Federal Post Office ca n arrange that due to offences against the
terms the radio communic ation systems are to be put out o f
operation. Only on adherenc e to the terms again may operation
be allowed.
The Federal Post Office can su pplement or change the
conditions and terms of this permissio n at any time.
Auxiliary informat ion for manufacturers, trading companies ,
salesmen and purchasers
1. Radio co mmunication systems for the re mote control of
models do n o t require deta iled special permission, if the
individual eq uipment is recogni zable and entitleme nt proven by a
Federal Post Office permission character and the addition al
marking "MF" an d/or a Federal Post O ffice certificatio n number
(FTZ-series test number) to the ide ntification letter row "MF..."
carries. Permission fees ar e not raised.
2. Only on radio com munication systems for the remot e control
of models which com p ly with the central off ice for permissions in
the telecommunic ation system and/or are examined and certified
electrical and mec hanical designs by the telecommunic ation
technically eng ineering central o ffice may carry the Federal Post
Office permission c haracter with the a dditional mar king "MF"
and/or a Feder al Post Offic e certification number (F TZ–series
test number) o f the identification letter row "MF...” assigne d on
their case.
3. A Federal Post Office permission ch aracter and the additional
marking "MF" can onl y be assigned to a company if a design of
this series is presented to the centr al office for telecommunica tion
system approv als, 6600 Saarbruck en, for ex amination, and the
examination de monstrates that the desi gn corresponds to th e
appropriate tech nical regulati ons (FTZ guideli ne 17 R 2012) for
radio communic ation systems for the remote control of model s.
The applicant must c ommit themselves, in relation to the Fe deral
Post Office, to
a) That only such examined and certi fied designs that comply
(electrically and mechanically ) are marked wi th the assigned
Federal Post Office permissi on character and the additi onal
marking "MF".
b) To attach to all equipment w hich can be broug ht under this
Federal Post Office permi ssion character in traffic, a
reproduction of this "gener al permission".
4. It is recommended to the purchaser of a r adio
communication sy stem, for the remote contro l of models, to
request in his own i nterest a reproduction o f this "general
permission" fr om the salesman or previous ow ner of the
General permission for a Radio conc erning the remote control of models
(Version dated 15.4.1987)