Contents Operating Instructions Advance CC
Display 7
Radio ............................................. 7
Cassette.......................................... 7
CD................................................. 7
Amplifier 8
Switching on and off on the car radio ....... 8
Volume........................................... 8
LOUD (Loudness)............................... 8
ASP (Audio Sound Processing)............... 8
TRE (Treble)..................................... 9
BAL (Balance)................................... 9
BASS ............................................. 9
FAD (Fader) ..................................... 9
Tone memory ................................... 9
Overload protection ...........................10
Radio 10
Selecting the RADIO programme source.. 10
Range selection............................... 10
Stereo reception (VHF only)................. 10
Setting RDS programmes with the
LEARN memory ............................... 11
Autostore....................................... 11
Setting stations/RDS programmes with
the search function ........................... 11
Manual frequency tuning .................... 12
Station buttons ................................ 12
Alternative frequencies (AF) ................ 13
Traffic announcement standby (TP)........ 13
Memorize traffic announcements (AIM) .. 13
Programme types ............................. 15
PTY programme buttons ..................... 15
PTY function ................................... 16
Cassette 17
Selecting the TAPE programme source ... 17
Changing the cassette side.................. 17
Cassette play with and without
Dolby B NR .....................................17
Selecting the tape type ...................... 17
Fast forward and rewind ..................... 18
Skipping or repeating tracks.................18
Traffic announcements....................... 18
Ejecting the cassette ......................... 18
Ending cassette play ......................... 18
Please note 3
Identity Card .................................... 3
Theft protection................................. 3
Attention with automatic aerials ............. 3
Installing the car radio ........................ 4
Removing the control panel .................. 4
Refitting the control panel .................... 4
Traffic safety .................................... 4
GRUNDIG environment initiative ............ 4
Switching on and off ........................... 5
Switching on for 1 hour max.................. 5
Phone mode with a car telephone ........... 5
Expert ............................................ 5
Multi-function buttons ......................... 5
Brief Operating Instructions 6
Amplifier......................................... 6
Progamme sources ............................ 6
Security .......................................... 6
Display ........................................... 6
Numeric buttons ................................ 6